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Search for members

Search for student members of a particular department, using filters.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Profiles.ViewSearchResults ("View profile search results") on each of the departments passed as department query parameters. If no departments are passed, the user must have the permission globally. By default, Route Auditors, Route Assistants, Route Managers, Departmental Administrators and User Access Managers have this permission.

The information you retrieve will depend on your permissions on the particular member. The Member object includes a table showing what permission is required for which information. The information may additionally be restricted by passing the fields parameter.

Information about API permissions



Request parameters

department Optional A comma-separated list of department codes to search for members on Example: cs,in. This can also be passed as multiple department parameters, e.g. ?department=cs&department=in
academicYear Optional The academic year for which to retrieve results. For example, for the 19/20 academic year, either 19/20 or 2019 is accepted. If no value is specified, this defaults to the current academic year. From version 2020.7.17
fields Optional A comma-separated list of fields that will be returned, relative to member, the core object. The default value is member, indicating that all fields will be returned. Use the JSON keys to specify which fields to return, using . to nest this down (e.g. member.firstName,member.studentCourseDetails.course.code)
offset Optional An integer used for paging results, defaults to 0.
limit Optional The maximum number of members to return, defaults to 10.
courseTypes Optional A comma-separated list of course types to filter students by. Valid values are UG, PG(T), PG(R), Foundation and PreSessional. This is based off the first character of the course code for the current course.
routes Optional A comma-separated list of route codes to filter students by.
courses Optional A comma-separated list of course codes to filter students by.
modesOfAttendance Optional A comma-separated list of modes of attendance to filter students by, e.g. F for full-time, P for part-time, etc.
yearsOfStudy Optional A comma-separated list of integers representing years of study (i.e. the current course block) to filter students by.
levelCodes Optional A comma-separated list of level codes to filter students by.
sprStatuses Optional A comma-separated list of SPR status codes to filter students by, e.g. F for fully enrolled
modules Optional A comma-separated list of module codes to filter students by, using their current module registrations
hallsOfResidence Optional A comma-separated list of halls of residence to filter students by
postcodes Optional A comma-separated list of current address postcodes to filter students by

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
offset The pagination offset
limit The maximum number of members returned per request
total The total number of members matching the filters passed
members An array of member objects matching the filters

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "total": 35,
  "members": [
      "universityId": "1234567",
      "title": "Mr",
      "firstName": "Kelly",
      "fullFirstName": "Wang",
      "lastName": "Member",
      "officialName": "Mr Kelly Wang",
      "homeDepartment": {
        "code": "in",
        "name": "IT Services"
      "email": "",
      "fullName": "Kelly Wang",
      "inUseFlag": "Active",
      "userType": "Student"
    }, ...

Tabula API Methods