The Beyond 4.0Link opens in a new window research project examining the future of work and welfare has just published a new policy brief on platform work. It is co-authored by Chris Mathieu of Lund University and Chris WarhurstLink opens in a new window of IER.
It maps out key issues with the operation of the platform economy and offers recommendations for future policy development to better govern it. It arrives just as the European Parliament looks set to initiate new deliberation on this subject. Read more hereLink opens in a new window.
Manifesto for a new quality of working life
With Sydney University based IER Honorary Associate Professor Angie KnoxLink opens in a new window, IER’s Chris WarhurstLink opens in a new window has published an article in the FT-50 journal Human Relations that calls for a new quality of working life that improves routine jobs and precarious employment.
Warhurst, C. and Knox, A. (2020) 'Manifesto for a new Quality of Working Life'. Human Relations. DOI: 10.1177/0018726720979348.
Climate emergency and sustainable working practices
On 24th January Chris WarhurstLink opens in a new window addressed Scotland’s Climate AssemblyLink opens in a new window, giving evidence on sustainable working practices. His evidence focused on three issues:
the greening of the labour market, the quality of green jobs and ensuring access to these jobs by marginalised workers. The Assembly will develop recommendations for the Scottish Government.
Does England’s new skills strategy go far enough?
In this blogLink opens in a new window, Terence HogarthLink opens in a new window argues that Britain produces too much of relatively low value compared with many of its western counterparts. This is despite the country being a world leader in many industries. It is the country’s perennial productivity problem.
Employment entry and exit by women in India
Soham SahooLink opens in a new window and Sudipa SarkarLink opens in a new window argue that while India’s low female labour force participation has been studied extensively, the dynamic nature of employment, that is, individuals entering and exiting the workforce at various points in time, has received insufficient attention.
Analysing India Human Development Survey data from 2004-05 and 2011-12, they show that women have lower entry rates and higher exit rates vis-à-vis men, both in the short and long term. Read more in this blogLink opens in a new window, published in Ideas for India.
The Green Industrial Revolution and demand for green jobs
Examining new data on vacancies for green jobs, the authors argue that demand is not growing and that further stimuli and support will be needed to deliver this revolution.