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Update assessment component marks

Record unconfirmed actual marks for students registered on an assessment. If a student currently has actual marks or agreed marks, they will become unconfirmed actual marks and module mark calculations will be reset and need to be re-done.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Feedback.Publish ("Release feedback to a student") on the department or module. By default, roles that have this permission are:

  • Module Manager
  • Departmental Administrator
  • User Access Manager

Information about API permissions



The request Content-Type must be set to application/json

URL substitution variables

:fullModuleCode The full module code, including CATS, for the assessment, e.g. cs118-15
:academicYear The academic year for the assessment, as a 4-digit start year - e.g. for 13/14, use the string 2013
:occurrence The module occurrence code for the delivery of the module for the assessment, e.g. A
:assessmentGroup The assessment group (used where students may take different sets of assessments for a module), e.g. A
:sequence The assessment sequence code for the assessment, e.g. A01

Request parameters

students An array of students to record marks for as JSON objects with the following properties:
  • universityId - The student's 7-digit University ID
  • mark Optional - The assessment mark for the student. Leave this empty for pass/fail modules. If this is empty and the student has a current mark, the current mark will be removed.
  • grade Optional - The grade code for the student. For most assessments this can be left blank and will be automatically calculated from the mark. Set this to set indicator grades (e.g. L for late submission) that should be considered by a board.
  • comments Optional - A comment to add to the mark record for the student, explaining the change.

Example request

  "students": [
      "universityId": "4400001",
      "mark": 43,
      "comments": "Mark updated after review by moderator"

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
students An array of student component mark objects for all students on the assessment, including those whose marks and grades have not changed.

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "students": [
      "universityId": "4400001",
      "currentMember": true,
      "resitStudent": false,
      "mark": 43,
      "grade": "3",
      "needsWritingToSits": true,
      "outOfSync": false,
      "agreed": false
      "universityId": "4400002",
      "currentMember": true,
      "resitStudent": false,
      "mark": 71,
      "grade": "1",
      "needsWritingToSits": false,
      "outOfSync": false,
      "agreed": false

Tabula API Methods