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Applied Microeconomics

Applied Microeconomics

The Applied Microeconomics research group unites researchers working on a broad array of topics within such areas as labour economics, economics of education, health economics, family economics, urban economics, environmental economics, and the economics of science and innovation. The group operates in close collaboration with the CAGE Research Centre.

The group participates in the CAGE seminar on Applied Economics, which runs weekly on Tuesdays at 2:15pm. Students and faculty members of the group present their ongoing work in two brown bag seminars, held weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1pm. Students, in collaboration with faculty members, also organise a bi-weekly reading group in applied econometrics on Thursdays at 1pm. The group organises numerous events throughout the year, including the Research Away Day and several thematic workshops.

Our activities

Work in Progress seminars

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1-2pm

Students and faculty members of the group present their work in progress in two brown bag seminars. See below for a detailed scheduled of speakers.

Applied Econometrics reading group

Thursdays (bi-weekly) 1-2pm

Organised by students in collaboration with faculty members. See the Events calendar below for further details



Academics associated with the Applied Microeconomics Group are:

Natalia Zinovyeva


Jennifer Smith

Deputy Co-ordinator


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CWIP - Kenichi Nagasawa

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Location: S2.79 via MS Teams

The title of talk is "Treatment effect estimation with noisy conditioning variables" and the abstract can be found below.

 In this paper, I develop a new identification strategy for treatment effects when proxy variables for unobserved confounding factors are available. I use proxy variables to construct a random variable conditional on which treatment variables become exogenous. The key idea is that, under appropriate conditions, there exists a one-to-one mapping between the distribution of unobserved confounding factors and the distribution of proxies. To ensure sufficient variation in the constructed control variable, I use an additional variable, termed excluded variable, which satisfies certain exclusion restrictions and relevance conditions. I establish asymptotic distributional results for flexible parametric and nonparametric estimators of the average structural function. I illustrate empirical relevance and usefulness of my results by extending the identification strategy of Dale and Krueger (2002, QJE).

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