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Applied Microeconomics

Applied Microeconomics

The Applied Microeconomics research group unites researchers working on a broad array of topics within such areas as labour economics, economics of education, health economics, family economics, urban economics, environmental economics, and the economics of science and innovation. The group operates in close collaboration with the CAGE Research Centre.

The group participates in the CAGE seminar on Applied Economics, which runs weekly on Tuesdays at 2:15pm. Students and faculty members of the group present their ongoing work in two brown bag seminars, held weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1pm. Students, in collaboration with faculty members, also organise a bi-weekly reading group in applied econometrics on Thursdays at 1pm. The group organises numerous events throughout the year, including the Research Away Day and several thematic workshops.

Our activities

Work in Progress seminars

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1-2pm

Students and faculty members of the group present their work in progress in two brown bag seminars. See below for a detailed scheduled of speakers.

Applied Econometrics reading group

Thursdays (bi-weekly) 1-2pm

Organised by students in collaboration with faculty members. See the Events calendar below for further details



Academics associated with the Applied Microeconomics Group are:

Natalia Zinovyeva


Jennifer Smith

Deputy Co-ordinator


Thursday, November 18, 2021

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Wed, Nov 17 Today Fri, Nov 19 Jump to any date

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QAPEC-PEPE Political Economy Seminar - Cecilia Testa (Nottingham)
via Zoom

Title to be advised.

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 8891 1148

Passcode: 903826


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Cities still matter: the role of urban centres in tackling regional inequality

CAGE Event:

In the post-pandemic UK, the role of cities as centres for productivity, growth, wealth and skills remains as strong as ever. But while the pull of urban centres is strong, not all UK cities are equal. London, and its surrounding area, remains by far the most dominant force in the UK economy. The government is working on a white paper to tackle this economic inequality and give the regions a boost. CAGE has convened a panel of experts to ask what part cities should play in this agenda.

Click here to register.

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Macro/International Economics Seminar - Raffaele Rossi (Manchester)

Raffaele will be visiting the department for this Seminar - Roberto Pancrazi will be hosting this visit.

Title: Marginal Tax Rate Changes in the Long-Run: Evidence from a Structural Estimation, With Patrick Macnamara (U. of Manchester) and Myroslav Pidkuyko (Bank of Spain).

Abstract: Using a structural life-cycle model, we estimate the long-run behavioral response to marginal tax rate changes along the income distribution. We find statistically significant long-run tax elasticities of income of around 0.7 for all taxpayers. We also estimate that the richest top 1 percent displays the highest elasticities of taxable income. In our economy, agents who are sufficiently productive can obtain higher returns on their wealth by choosing to be entrepreneurs. Return heterogeneity, in combination with earning risk and tax progressivity, increases the incentives to save and invest for the richest, high-return entrepreneurs, thus amplifying their income responses to marginal tax changes. This reallocation of capital increases aggregate productivity, generating a larger boost in equilibrium wages. This, in turn, strengthens the income response of the bottom 90 percent, but nevertheless, their response is smaller than at the top.
