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IER News & blogs

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IER Response to the Richard Review of Apprenticeships

A statement by Terence Hogarth and Lynn Gambin put together in response to the Richard Review of Apprenticeships has been published in the latest issue of the NIACE Adults Learning journal (along with statements from a number of other experts in this area). The report is available here.

Apprenticeships worth more to employers than they cost

Research by IER's Terence Hogarth and Lynn Gambin has been cited in the Richard Review, a report on the future of apprenticeships published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Work in this area, carried out by IER over the past 15 years, has demonstrated that apprenticeships are more beneficial to employers and employees than any other vocational training programme.

Wed 28 Nov 2012, 09:28 | Tags: young people, apprenticeship, training, employment, labour market

Employment and the Internet

The Nominet Trust has published a state of the art review undertaken by IER on Employment and the Internet. The report provides a baseline of data around employment and digital technology, mapping emerging employment patterns that may provide opportunities to rethink how we address current levels of unemployment and underemployment.

The report is available to download from the Nominet website.

IER Publishes its 100th Bulletin

IER has pioneered labour market assessment and forecasting work in the UK, and remains at the forefront of employment forecasting with an international reputation for the quality of its work.

The 100th IER Bulletin summarises the findings of Working Futures 2010-2020, the fourth in a series of labour market assessments that provide detailed projections for the UK labour market. It focuses on a ten year horizon, giving a picture of the labour market for 2020; including employment prospects for industries, occupations, qualification levels, gender and employment status for the UK and for nations and English regions. The core purpose of Working Futures is to inform policy development and strategy around skills, careers and employment.

The wordle below illustrates the key words used in the Bulletin.


For further information on IER Forecasting, contact Rob Wilson (; 02476 523530)

IER to Welcome Visitors from China

Dr Weiping Shi (East China Normal University) and Dr Hong Lu (Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering) will visit IER week commencing 19 March to participate in a series of meetings and presentations in the area of vocational education and training.

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