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UK Vegetable Genebank celebrates 40 years

The UK Vegetable Genebank (UKVGB), part of Warwick Crop Centre on the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus, celebrates its 40th anniversary next week.

Research reveals “climate-change complacency” across Europe

Most European citizens do not particularly care about climate change. That’s the striking finding from new research led by Warwick Economics on the views of 70,000 randomly sampled European men and women. Only 5% described themselves as “extremely worried” about climate change, while the climate and the environment ranked only fifth in people’s overall views about priorities.

Global warming will cause ecosystems to produce more methane than first predicted

New research suggests that as the Earth warms natural ecosystems such as freshwaters will release more methane than expected from predictions based on temperature increases alone.

Tue 30 Jun 2020, 09:27 | Tags: climate change, School of Life Sciences, Sciences

Winter warm spells see a two- to three- fold increase in duration and frequency in UK temperature records

Warm winter spells have increased in frequency and duration two- to three times over since 1878, according to scientists led by the University of Warwick.

Wed 06 May 2020, 11:39 | Tags: Physics, climate change, research

Impact of marine carbon on climate change to be investigated by Warwick Scientists

Professor Scanlan has been awarded €2.5 million from the ERC, which will be used to investigate virus inhibition of Oceanic CO2 fixation, in a project called ‘VirFix’.

Tue 31 Mar 2020, 13:08 | Tags: Grants, climate change, Life Sciences, ERC, marine, Sciences

Young Coventry performers use Warwick experts to help with climate science in new production

University of Warwick researchers have shared their knowledge in the development of a new play showing at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry this week.

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