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Press Releases

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Warm welcome for Minerva Nottingham as new investment collaboration launches

Minerva Nottingham, a new collaboration between the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University (NTU) and Minerva Business Angels, part of the University of Warwick Science Park, has held its inaugural pitching event at NTU. The new group aims to raise the profile of opportunities both for growth companies and potential investors in Nottingham and the wider D2N2 LEP area.

New approach helps computers deal with conflicts and duplications when applying more than one clinical practice guideline to a patient

Researchers in WMG at the University of Warwick have developed a new method that could solve the problem of how to automate support of managing the complexities of care when applying multiple clinical practice guidelines, to patients with more than one medical issue. 

Fri 04 Oct 2019, 09:08 | Tags: Technology, Health, WMG, GPs, Sciences, Health and Medicine

New MRI computing technique can spot scar muscles of heart without damaging Kidneys

3D MRI computing can measure strain in the heart using image registration method. Traditional method involves giving the patient a dose of gadolinium which can affect the kidney, researchers at WMG, University of Warwick have found.

Wed 28 Aug 2019, 10:19 | Tags: Technology, Health, WMG, research, scanning, Health and Medicine

Pint of Science returns next week bringing scientists out of the lab and into your local pub

The public science festival, Pint of Science, kicks off next with experts from the Universities of Warwick and Coventry talking about their research work in a selection of pubs and venues around the Coventry and Leamington Spa.

Royal Mail Group chooses WMG to help develop aspiring technology leaders of the future

WMG, at the University of Warwick, has launched a new Master’s programme with Royal Mail Group which is designed to develop leadership talent in technology based industries. A wide range of Royal Mail Group staff, from all levels of management, are the first participants in this new programme.

WMG part of a £37m project to develop lightweight vehicles

A new research project, Tucana, will focus on lighweighting technology, delivering stiffer and lighter vehicle structures with the help of experts from WMG, at the University of Warwick.

WMG will receive £4m, of the £18.7m government funding through the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), to drive the development of innovative lightweight vehicle and powertrain structures, building on the UK’s leading-edge capability in this area.

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