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Press Releases

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AI can predict the chances of surviving oral cancer

· State-of-the-art AI algorithms applied to digitised images of oral cancer tissue specimens can be used to predict chances of survival by measuring the abundance of Tumour infiltrating immune cells, a study led by University of Warwick shows.

Mon 16 Sep 2019, 13:49 | Tags: Computer Science, Health, cancer, AI

Revealed: How our brain remembers the order of events

For centuries understanding how the order of events is stored in memory has been a mystery. However, researchers from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick have worked out how the order of events in memory could be stored and later recalled in the hippocampal memory system in the brain.

Wed 14 Aug 2019, 11:58 | Tags: Computer Science, Brain, Sciences

Pint of Science returns next week bringing scientists out of the lab and into your local pub

The public science festival, Pint of Science, kicks off next with experts from the Universities of Warwick and Coventry talking about their research work in a selection of pubs and venues around the Coventry and Leamington Spa.

Verifiable e-voting to be trialled in Gateshead

A new verifiable e-voting system will be trialled in Gateshead this May. Voters get a receipt which they can check to make sure their vote is properly cast, recorded and tallied while preserving the voter privacy – a process known as being “end-to-end verifiable”. Tallying results are instantaneous once the election is finish along with public audit data to allow anyone to verify the tallying integrity. The trial will be voluntary for people going to cast votes via paper ballot.

Wed 01 May 2019, 16:07 | Tags: Computer Science, Policy, Politics, Sciences

Pint of Science returns to Coventry bringing scientists out of the lab and into your local

The public science festival, Pint of Science, is returning to Coventry this year with experts from the Universities of Warwick and Coventry talking about their research work in a selection of pubs and venues around the city.

5G to rid UK of blackspots, thanks to £210,000 grant for the COCKPIT-5G project

5G will be available across the entire UK as black-spots are being identified by researchers at the School of Engineering, University of Warwick. The project COCKPIT-5G has won a £210,000 grant from Innovate UK, once they’ve identified black-spots they can enhance connectivity for businesses, AI (Artificial Intelligence), driverless cars and manufacturing.

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