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Department Facilities

In this section

  • Faculty of Arts Building
  • Study Spaces
  • FAB History Department Social Space
  • Room Bookings
  • Pigeonholes
  • Lockers
  • Kitchen
  • Photocopying

Faculty of Arts Building

The History Department is located on the third floor of the new Faculty of Arts Building which opened on 6th December 2021. We hope that students will enjoy studying and meeting in the new space!

More information about the building and detailed floor plans are available at:

Study Spaces

There are student study spaces in many of the buildings across campus. Dedicated PGR and Department/Faculty study spaces are as follows:

FAB History Department Study Space

The following study spaces/hot desks are available for PhD students and can be seen on the floor three building plans

Cluster C: FAB3.58 & FAB3.46 - Post-doc and PG students only

Cluster B: FAB3.74 & FAB3.70 - All students (quiet study)

Please note that area FAB 3.46 is a shared area with History postdocs who will have computer workstations set up for their use, however, PGR students can use any free desk to study.

Note that the PGR hot desk area indicated in cluster A FAB 3.15 is not a PhD study space area; this is an error on the floorplan.

FAB CADRE Study Spaces

The Research Zone on the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Arts building combines allocated desks and hot desks. It is open to Arts PGRs only. It is a predominantly quiet study space, although contains a meeting pod at one end and a coffee table at the other.

For further details on this study space, and how to apply for an allocated desk, please see: opens in a new window

Wolfson Research Exchange

Situated across the bridge in the Floor 3 extension of the Library is the Wolfson Research Exchange, or REx. It contains a mixture of quiet and social study space, including desktop computers, PGR lockers, and a kitchenette and hot water point.

Adjacent to the REx are three seminar rooms in which PGR events are commonly held.

The Postgrad Hub

The Postgrad Hub is the heart of the Library postgraduate community. It is open to all postgraduate students at Warwick, and has facilities for independent and group study, presentations, meetings and workshops.

The Postgrad Hub holds regular events each week such as PG Tips, as well as one-off cultural events throughout the year.

In addition to its study areas, the Postgrad Hub also acts as an informal space to chat and socialise with peers, with a relaxation room for you to get some space away from your study to recharge and refresh.

The Postgrad Hub is located on Floor 2 of the Junction building.

The Postgrad HubLink opens in a new window

Room Bookings

For bookable room space for meetings or supervisions, any staff member or student can use the room booking tool via the timetablingLink opens in a new window web pages to book central spaces.

To make an ad-hoc room booking request, head to the Web Room Bookings PortalLink opens in a new window. Guidance on how to use the room bookings system can be found here.

We also have Departmental meeting rooms which any admin staff member can book if no central rooms are available. Email to enquire about booking a Departmental meeting room.


History Department pigeonholes are located in Cluster A, FAB3.15. There is a pigeon hole for PGR Students and any post delivered to the Department will be placed here.


The Department has large lockers available to PGR students for storage of your personal possessions. To reserve a locker and arrange collection of a key, please contact Emma Russell.

A key deposit will not be required; however, students must sign a declaration confirming that they are aware that there will be a £10 fine payable if the key is lost or not returned at the end of their course.


PGR students have student card access to the staff kitchen in Cluster A, FAB3.23 which has a hot water boiler for making hot drinks as well as washing up facilities and fridges. Please keep this area clean and tidy after use and remove any out-of-date food from the fridges.


Students have card access to the staff photocopier in FAB 3.24 as well as the general student photocopiers in other areas of the building.



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Expected Participation

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