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Appeals and Complaints

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  • Appeals
  • Complaints


There are specific circumstances which allow students to appeal against the award of a degree class to appeal against a decision that they be required to withdraw. Full details may be found on the University’s Appeal pages.

The Doctoral College oversees the appeals process for PG Research Students

Doctoral College Appeals InformationLink opens in a new window


How do I make a complaint?

If you would like to speak to someone in the Department about the Complaints Procedure, please contact your supervisor, the History Director of PG Research Studies or the Head of Administration, Claudia Gray.

Students are encouraged to raise complaints at the first opportunity over any of the following issues:

  • the quality and standard of service provided by the University, including teaching and learning provision;
  • failure to provide a service; unsuitable facilities or learning resources;
  • inappropriate behaviour or treatment by a staff member, student or individual associated with the University (including contravening the University’s Dignity at Warwick Policy, which includes harassment, bullying, and discrimination);
  • failure of the University to follow an appropriate administrative or academic process.

The History Department and the University aim to resolve straightforward complaints as quickly as possible using local resolution; problems with particular members of staff can generally be resolved satisfactorily in an informal manner.

However, should an informal process not resolve matters, or if the nature of the complaint is such that you feel you cannot approach the member of staff directly, then a formal approach (see below) may be required.

How does the University handle complaints?

The University has a three-stage Student Complaints Resolution Pathway for informal and formal concerns or complaints:

Stage 1: Frontline / Local Resolution

The initial stage in the complaints procedure allows for straightforward complaints to be resolved quickly and effectively at the point at which the issue occurred.

Stage 2: Formal Departmental Investigation and Resolution

The second stage of the complaints procedure may be used if you are not satisfied with attempts to informally resolve your complaint. Alternatively this stage can be used if the complaint is so complex or serious that informal resolution would be inappropriate.

Stage 3: Formal Institutional Review and Final Resolution

If you are not satisfied with your Stage 2 outcome then, if you meet the published criteria, you can apply for a review of the Stage 2 process to include previously unavailable evidence or determine that appropriate processes were followed and that the Stage 2 decision was reasonable.

More information can be found on the University's Student Complaints page.



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