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  • PG Bursaries for current students

PG Bursaries for current students

Warwick PG Bursaries for current students:


  • Dr. Joan Lane Memorial Bursary - available for MA and PhD students

The Warwick History Department is delighted to announce the opening of applications for the Dr. Joan Lane Memorial Bursary. This bursary honours the memory of Dr. Joan Lane, who taught for many years in the Warwick History Department. Dr. Lane joined the Warwick History Department in 1979, having completed her PhD under the supervision of Dorothy Thompson. She was a dedicated teacher and scholar known for her work on the social history of medicine and also local history, although her interests extended considerably wider. At the time of her death in 2001, she was working on a study of English actresses. She left a deep impression on her many students, one of whom has funded this bursary. It is awarded annually and provides £150 to cover the research expenses of any research student working in English social or local history.

The application form may be found here.

Deadline: 1 June 2021


  • Callum MacDonald Memorial Bursary - available for MA and PhD students

The Callum MacDonald Memorial Bursary is designed to commemorate the work of Professor Callum MacDonald of Warwick University, who died in January 1997 at the age of forty nine, and to help further historical scholarship. In 1975 Callum MacDonald was appointed as Lecturer in American History at Warwick, where he was to teach and research for the next two decades. Callum was an inspiring and dedicated teacher. His research covered a vast geographical field, from the United States and Latin America to Europe and Asia, and was characterised by a mastery of sources, the careful blending of narrative and analysis, and an openness in dealing with sometimes controversial issues. His contribution to scholarship is a reminder of why we train historians, and why we study the past.

The Callum MacDonald Memorial Bursary is intended to support postgraduate students in their research. It may be used either to fund a specific research project or to cover the costs of presenting a paper at a conference. Students may apply for up to £500 by completing the online application form.

Deadline: 1 June 2021


  • The Kineton Hundred

Each year, funds permitting, the Kineton and District Local History Group offers a bursary of up to £100 to help meet costs (travel, photocopying, microfilming) incurred by a postgraduate student working in one of the local record offices on the history of Kineton or one of its neighbouring parishes.

If you think you might be eligible, please contact Professor Mark Knights.


  • Warwick PhD and Early Career Research Fellowships

The Humanities Research Centre funds 3 internal fellowships for PhD students and early career scholars wanting to conduct short periods of research abroad. These fellowships are intended to support trips of 2-4 weeks that will deepen and broaden research links between Warwick and research institutions in North America and Europe and/or to further individual research projects in archives and collections. Applicants are responsible for arranging travel, itineraries and accommodation, although we can provide support and assistance in these areas. We encourage applicants to seek out contacts in the institutions they want to visit in advance of their applications and to provide details of these in their material (you do not need to provide written references). Your trip must be more than simply presenting a paper at a conference and you must clearly demonstrate the potential benefits to Warwick in your application.

Applicants should complete the online Application Form where they will specify which of these fellowships they wish to be considered for and include with their application a 1-2 page detailed description of the research they want to pursue. More information is available on the website. If you would like to discuss your application please email the Director, Professor David Lambert (

Deadline: 12.00 noon, 31 May 2021


  • Postgraduate Research Fund

Each year, Postgraduate students are welcome to apply for up to £150 to support their research-related activities. An application form (which can be found on the useful forms page) must be completed and approved by the PGR Director. If your application is approved, you will need to provide evidence of the expenditure, and then complete an expenses claim form (also available via the link above). Please note that students in their fourth year and those in receipt of funding from research councils are not normally eligible to apply.


  • Gad Heuman Travel Bursary - available for MA and PhD students

The Gad Heuman Travel Bursary provides support for substantive research and fieldwork in the Caribbean by Warwick postgraduate students. The Bursary is named after Gad Heuman, who was a long-standing Professor of Caribbean History and Director of the Centre for Caribbean Studies at the University and is now an Emeritus Professor. The funding can be used to cover expenses such as travel to and subsistence in the Caribbean, and other costs incurred directly in relation to a research project. A maximum of £2000 will be awarded to each applicant.

All Warwick PGT and PGR postgraduates conducting research on the Caribbean are eligible to apply for this bursary. Priority will be given to applicants who have no other source of research funding (e.g. through their PhD studentship or from their home department). Applicants undertaking or proposing activities connected to the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies and the Humanities will be preferred. The funded research should normally be completed by 30 September of the year in which the application is made.

To apply, please submit the following to Lisa Cook, Secretary of the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies ( by the deadline.

  • a short statement (maximum 500 words) detailing your current research proposal, and indicating how you would benefit directly from a short period of study in the Caribbean. Proposals should specify a clear research methodology and feasible timeline for the completion of the project;
  • a brief biographical statement, including a curriculum vitae;
  • a detailed budget with fully quoted costings (up to a maximum of £2000).

Deadline: 1 April 2021



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