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Open Access Publication and WRAP

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  • Publication
    • WRAP
    • Open Access

There is an annual GRF session on getting published which will give you much more information and guidance on this topic. Please refer to the GRF programme for further details.

Open Access Publication and WRAP

Some funders now require published outputs to be 'open access' i.e. generally accessible. There are different ways of achieving this


Currently, the most common way to publish is to deposit the accepted version of an article or book chapter in the university's research repository called WRAP.

Details of how to deposit a pre-publication version of your work in the Warwick research portal (WRAP) can be found at Deposit form - University of Warwick Library., and more general information about the process at Simple Deposit into WRAP - WRAP: Warwick Research Archive Portal.

If you are in any doubt about what is required or about the process, do contact WRAP which is very helpful in offering advice and guidance.

Open Access

An alternative, for funders that may require the published output to be open access, there is a separate route which involves payment to the publishers.

Details of this can be found in the UKRI guide to publishing your research findingsLink opens in a new window.



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