See our "Latest Publications" page for a full list of publications from School of Life Sciences.
Publications from the Cluster
Quantifying integrated pest management adoption in food horticulture
Jennifer Byrne, Robert Lillywhite, Henry Creissen, Fiona Thorne, Lael Walsh
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a crop health paradigm offering a framework for sustainable pest management. To optimise adoption it is necessary to understand how growers use IPM, to identify measures lagging in uptake or suitability for uptake and to explore limitations to both. This study has quantified IPM adoption using Irish food horticulture as a case study, through the development and application of an IPM metric based on field, protected and top fruit production systems. While our results demonstrated that IPM has been adopted, it also suggested that there is room for improvement. This presentation of an IPM measurement instrument for temperate horticulture systems provides the means to benchmark IPM performance and chart cumulative progress. This is useful to policy makers and IPM stakeholders to compare performance on a national and cross-national basis with a view to refining best practice, while defining specific components of IPM for improvement.
Crop Protection. February 2025
Piperideine-6-carboxylic acid regulates vitamin B6 homeostasis and modulates systemic immunity in plants
Huazhen Liu, Lakshminarayan M. Iyer, Paul Norris, Ruiying Liu, Keshun Yu, Murray Grant, L. Aravind, Aardra Kachroo & Pradeep Kachroo
Dietary consumption of lysine in humans leads to the biosynthesis of Δ1-piperideine-6-carboxylic acid (P6C), with elevated levels linked to the neurological disorder epilepsy. Here we demonstrate that P6C biosynthesis is also a critical component of lysine catabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. P6C regulates vitamin B6 homeostasis, and increased P6C levels deplete B6 vitamers, resulting in compromised plant immunity. We further establish a key role for pyridoxal and pyridoxal-5-phosphate biosynthesis in plant immunity. Our analysis indicates that P6C metabolism probably evolved through combining select lysine and proline metabolic enzymes horizontally acquired from diverse bacterial sources at different points during evolution. More generally, certain enzymes from the lysine and proline metabolic pathways were probably recruited in evolution as potential guardians of B6 vitamers and for semialdehyde detoxification.
Nature Plants. February 2025
A comparative study of ionic pesticide sorption and degradation in contrasting Brazilian soils and the development of a novel 3-Phase Assay to assess sorption reversibility
Baudin, Nastasia, Garrod, Mark, Bramke, Irene, Mckillican, Carol, Schafer, Hendrik, Hand, Laurence, Cione, Ana, Bending, Gary D, Marshall, Samantha
Brazilian soils have distinctive characteristics to European and North American soils which are typically used to investigate pesticide fate. This study aimed to compare soil–water partition coefficient (Kd), reversibility of adsorption and degradation half-life (DT50) of 5 pesticides covering a wide range of physico-chemical properties in contrasting Brazilian soils and a temperate (UK) alfisol soil, and to study their relationship with soil OM, clay and expandable clay content, CEC and pH. The results showed that pesticide behaviour in Brazilian soils was not systematically different from those in European and North American soils. The 3PA was shown to be a reliable and simple method for assessing pesticide desorption in soil and could be adapted to assess pesticide bioavailability. The use of the 3PA allowed a more thorough explanation of the observed differences in degradation behaviour between the compounds.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. January 2025
MIBiG 4.0: advancing biosynthetic gene cluster curation through global collaboration
Zdouc, Mitja M. et al inc. Alberti, F
Specialized or secondary metabolites are small molecules of biological origin, often showing potent biological activities with applications in agriculture, engineering and medicine. Usually, the biosynthesis of these natural products is governed by sets of co-regulated and physically clustered genes known as biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). To share information about BGCs in a standardized and machine-readable way, the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG) data standard and repository was initiated in 2015. Here, we describe MIBiG version 4.0, an extensive update to the data repository and the underlying data standard.
Nucleic Acids Research. January 2025
Single-Cell Analysis with Spatiotemporal Control of Local pH
Kelsey Cremin, Gabriel N. Meloni, Orkun S. Soyer, Patrick R. Unwin
This work presents an experimental platform combining scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), using intra- and extracellular pH indicator dyes to study the impact of acid delivery on individual HeLa cells within a population.. We find a strong dependency between the intracellular pH and the extracellular pH gradient imposed by local acid delivery. Postdelivery intracellular pH recovery depends on the extent of the acid challenge, with cells exposed to lower pH not returning to basal intracellular pH values after the extracellular pH recovers. This is a unique method for concentration-gradient challenge studies of cell populations that will have broad applications in cell biology. SICM can be used to deliver different chemicals and enables a wide range of local conditions to be applied across a cell population, for which the effects can be investigated at the single-cell level.
ACS Measurement Science. January 2025
The influence of farm connectedness on foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in livestock
Jean B. Contina, Rachel L. Seibel, Bhim Chaulagain, Karasi B. Mills, Michael J. Tildesley, Christopher C. Mundt
We applied a previously published livestock foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) model to estimate host connectivity using a transmission kernel based on contact tracing and measured subsequent to an animal movement ban in the 2001 United Kingdom epidemic. Connectivity within county-level farm landscapes were evaluated by considering the transmission kernel, host species composition, farm-level susceptibility, farm-level transmissibility, and distances between farms. Connectivity of the initially infected farm and mean connectivity among all farms in a county were strongly associated with effects of cull size, with disease control more effective at lower levels of farm connectivity. Host connectivity provides early information on the host-pathogen landscape and could be used as an assessment tool for predicting epidemic risks, as well as enabling preemptive control strategies to limit the size of disease outbreaks.
Ecosphere. December 2024
Regional scale diversity and distribution of soil inhabiting Tetracladium
Anna Lazar, Robert I. Griffiths, Tim Goodall, Lisa R. Norton, Ryan M. Mushinski & Gary D. Bending
The genus Tetracladium has historically been regarded as an aquatic hyphomycete. However, sequencing of terrestrial ecosystems has shown that Tetracladium species might also be terrestrial soil and plant-inhabiting fungi. The diversity of Tetracladium species, their distribution across ecosystems, and the factors that shape community composition remain largely unknown. Using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) amplicon sequencing, we investigated the spatial distribution of Tetracladium in 970 soil samples representing the major ecosystems found across the British landscape. Overall, this study provides insights into the community composition patterns of Tetracladium in terrestrial ecosystems and highlights the importance of vegetation characteristics in shaping Tetracladium communities.
Environmental Microbiome. December 2024
Balancing selfing and outcrossing : the genetics and cell biology of nematodes with three sexual morphs
Adams, Sally, Tandonnet, Sophie and Pires-da Silva, André Francisco
Trioecy, a rare reproductive system where hermaphrodites, females, and males coexist, is found in certain algae, plants, and animals. Though it has evolved independently multiple times, its rarity suggests it may be an unstable or transitory evolutionary strategy. In the well-studied Caenorhabditis elegans, attempts to engineer a trioecious strain have reverted to the hermaphrodite/male system, reinforcing this view. However, these studies did not consider the sex-determination systems of naturally stable trioecious species. The discovery of free-living nematodes of the Auanema genus, which have naturally stable trioecy, provides an opportunity to study these systems. In Auanema, females produce only oocytes, while hermaphrodites produce both oocytes and sperm for self-fertilization. Crosses between males and females primarily produce daughters (XX hermaphrodites and females), while male-hermaphrodite crosses result in sons only. These skewed sex ratios are due to X-chromosome drive during spermatogenesis, where males produce only X-bearing sperm through asymmetric cell division. The stability of trioecy in Auanema is influenced by maternal control over sex determination and environmental cues. These factors offer insights into the genetic and environmental dynamics that maintain trioecy, potentially explaining its evolutionary stability in certain species.
Genetics 2024
Metabolic profiling and antibacterial activity of tree wood extracts obtained under variable extraction conditions
Diana Vinchira-Villarraga, Sabrine Dhaouadi, Vanja Milenkovic, Jiaqi Wei, Emily R. Grace, Katherine G. Hinton, Amy J. Webster, Andrea Vadillo-Dieguez, Sophie E. Powell, Naina Korotania, Leonardo Castellanos, Freddy A. Ramos, Richard J. Harrison, Mojgan Rabiey & Robert W. Jackson
This study aimed to develop a methodological approach to obtain extracts from different tree species with the highest reproducibility and chemical diversity possible, to ensure proper coverage of the trees’ metabolome. Each tree species has a unique metabolic profile, which means that no single protocol is universally effective. Extraction at 50 °C for three cycles using 80% methanol or chloroform/methanol/water showed the best results and is suggested for studying wood metabolome. These observations highlight the need to tailor extraction protocols to each tree species to ensure comprehensive metabolome coverage for metabolic profiling.
Metabolomics. December 2024
Identification of a terpene synthase arsenal using long-read sequencing and genome assembly of Aspergillus wentii
Richard Olumakaiye, Christophe Corre, Fabrizio Alberti
Fungi are talented producers of secondary metabolites with applications in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors. Aspergillus wentii CBS 141173 has gathered research interest due to its ability to produce high-value norditerpenoid compounds, including anticancer molecules. In this study, we aimed to expand the genomic information available for A. wentii to facilitate the identification of terpenoid biosynthetic genes that may be involved in the production of bioactive molecules.
The results provide a scaffold for the future exploration of terpenoid biosynthetic pathways for bioactive molecules in A. wentii. The terpenoid clusters identified in this study are candidates for heterologous gene expression and/or gene disruption experiments. The description and availability of the long-read genome assembly of A. wentii CBS 141173 further provides the basis for downstream genome analysis and biotechnological exploitation of this species.
BMC Genomics. November 2024
Understanding the ecological versatility of Tetracladium species in temperate forest soils
Anna Lazar, Richard P Phillips, Stephanie Kivlin, Gary D Bending, Ryan M Mushinski
Although Tetracladium species have traditionally been studied as aquatic saprotrophs, the growing number of metagenomic and metabarcoding reports detecting them in soil environments raises important questions about their ecological adaptability and versatility. We investigated the factors associated with the relative abundance, diversity and ecological dynamics of Tetracladium in temperate forest soils. Collectively, our findings highlight the ecological significance of Tetracladium in temperate forest soils and emphasize the importance of site-specific factors and microbial interactions in shaping their distribution patterns and ecological dynamics.
Environmental Microbiology. November 2024
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in British troops following jungle training in Belize: Cumulative incidence and potential risk practices
Rawlings, Ngwa Niba, Bailey, Mark, Craig, Peter, Courtenay, Orin
British soldiers undergoing jungle training in Belize typically experience a relatively low risk of developing cutaneous leishmaniasis. However, an uncharacteristically large outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis occurred in 2022. This study aimed to determine the cumulative incidence of the disease and highlight potential shortcomings in personal protective measures to mitigate exposure to sand fly vector bites. A retrospective analysis was conducted on medical records of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases between 2005 and 2022, as well as on questionnaire responses regarding personal protective measures administered to cutaneous leishmaniasis cases in 2022. The reasons behind the unusually high numbers of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases and cumulative incidence in 2022 remain unclear, emphasising the need to improve personal protective measures provision and implement a comprehensive health education programme for troops undergoing jungle training in Belize.
Parasite Epidemiology and Control. November 2024
Early Steps of the Biosynthesis of the Anticancer Antibiotic Pleurotin
Jack A. Weaver, Duha Alkhder, Panward Prasongpholchai, Michaël D. Tadesse, Emmanuel L. de los Santos, Lijiang Song, Christophe Corre, Fabrizio Alberti
Pleurotin is a meroterpenoid specialized metabolite made by the fungus Hohenbuehelia grisea, and it is a lead anticancer molecule due to its irreversible inhibition of the thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase system. Total synthesis of pleurotin has been achieved, including through a stereoselective route; however, its biosynthesis has not been characterized. In this study, we used isotope-labeled precursor feeding to show that the nonterpenoid quinone ring of pleurotin and its congeners is derived from phenylalanine. This work sets the foundation to fully elucidate the biosynthesis of pleurotin and its congeners, with long-term potential to optimize their production for therapeutic use and engineer the pathway toward the biosynthesis of valuable analogues.
ACS Chemical Biology. October 2024
Ammonia leakage can underpin nitrogen-sharing among soil microorganisms.
Luke Richards, Kelsey Cremin, Mary Coates, Finley Vigor, Patrick Schäfer, and Orkun S Soyer
Soil microbial communities host a large number of microbial species that support important ecological functions such as biogeochemical cycling and plant nutrition. The extent and stability of these functions are affected by inter-species interactions among soil microorganisms, yet the different mechanisms underpinning microbial interactions in the soil are not fully understood. Here, we study the extent of nutrient-based interactions among two model, plant-supporting soil microorganisms, the fungi Serendipita indica, and the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Our findings highlight that ammonia based N-sharing can be a previously under-appreciated mechanism underpinning interaction among soil microorganisms and could be influenced by microbial or abiotic alteration of pH in microenvironments.
ISME Journal. September 2024
New fungal primers reveal the diversity of Mucoromycotinian arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their response to nitrogen application
Mirjam Seeliger, Sally Hilton, George Muscatt, Christopher Walker, David Bass, Felipe Albornoz, Rachel J Standish, Neil D Gray, Louis Mercy, Leonidas Rempelos, Carolin Schneider, Megan H Ryan, Paul E Bilsborrow, Gary D Bending
Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are the most widespread terrestrial symbiosis and are both a key determinant of plant health and a major contributor to ecosystem processes through their role in biogeochemical cycling. Until recently, it was assumed that the fungi which form AM comprise the subphylum Glomeromycotina (G-AMF), and our understanding of the diversity and ecosystem roles of AM is based almost exclusively on this group. However recent evidence shows that fungi which form the distinctive 'fine root endophyte’ (FRE) AM morphotype are members of the subphylum Mucoromycotina (M-AMF), so that AM symbioses are actually formed by two distinct groups of fungi. We investigated the influence of nitrogen (N) addition and wheat variety on the assembly of AM communities under field conditions. The results demonstrate the need to consider both G-AMF and M-AMF when investigating AM communities, and highlight the importance of primer choice when investigating AMF community dynamics.
Environmental Microbiome. September 2024
Hendrik Schafer publications-
Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem
Allison A. Fong, Clara J. M. Hoppe et al. (incl. H Schafer)
The international and interdisciplinary sea-ice drift expedition “The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate” (MOSAiC) was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020. The aim of MOSAiC was to study the interconnected physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and processes from the atmosphere to the deep sea of the central Arctic system. The ecosystem team addressed current knowledge gaps and explored unknown biological properties over a complete seasonal cycle focusing on three major research areas: biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, and linkages to the environment. This article provides a detailed overview of the sampling approaches used to address the three main science objectives. It highlights the core sampling program and provides examples of habitat- or process-specific sampling. The initial results presented include high biological activities in wintertime and the discovery of biological hotspots in underexplored habitats. The unique interconnectivity of the coordinated sampling efforts also revealed insights into cross-disciplinary interactions like the impact of biota on Arctic cloud formation. This overview further presents both lessons learned from conducting such a demanding field campaign and an outlook on spin-off projects to be conducted over the next years.
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. August 2024
Microbial assimilatory sulfate reduction-mediated H2S: an overlooked role in Crohn's disease development
Wanrong Luo, Min Zhao, Mohammed Dwidar, Yang Gao, Liyuan Xiang, Xueting Wu , Marnix H Medema, Shu Xu, Xiaozhi Li, Hendrik Schafer, Minhu Chen, Rui Feng, Yijun Zhu
H2S imbalances in the intestinal tract trigger Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal disorder characterized by microbiota dysbiosis and barrier dysfunction. However, a comprehensive understanding of H2S generation in the gut, and the contributions of both microbiota and host to systemic H2S levels in CD, remain to be elucidated. This investigation aimed to enhance comprehension regarding the sulfidogenic potential of both the human host and the gut microbiota. The study significantly advances understanding of microbial sulfur metabolism in the human gut, elucidating the complex interplay between diet, gut microbiota, and host sulfur metabolism. We highlight the microbial ASR pathway as an overlooked endogenous H2S producer and a potential therapeutic target for managing CD. Microbiome. August 2024
Matt Keeling publications
Prioritising older individuals for COVID-19 booster vaccination leads to optimal public health outcomes in a range of socio-economic settings
Bouros, Ioana, Hill, Edward M., Keeling, Matt J., Moore, Sam and Thompson, Robin N.
The rapid development of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 altered the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. In most countries, vaccinations were initially targeted at high-risk populations, including older individuals and healthcare workers. Policy makers must now determine how to deploy booster vaccinations, particularly when constraints in vaccine supply, delivery and cost mean that booster vaccines cannot be administered to everyone. A key question is whether older individuals should again be prioritised for vaccination, or whether alternative strategies (e.g. offering booster vaccines to the individuals who have most contacts with others and therefore drive infection) can instead offer indirect protection to older individuals. Here, we use mathematical modelling to address this question, considering SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a range of countries with different socio-economic backgrounds. We show that the population structures of different countries can have a pronounced effect on the impact of booster vaccination, even when identical booster vaccination targeting strategies are adopted. However, under the assumed transmission model, prioritising older individuals for booster vaccination consistently leads to the most favourable public health outcomes in every setting considered. PLoS Computational Biology. August 2024
Modelling timelines to elimination of sleeping sickness in the Democratic Republic of Congo, accounting for possible cryptic human and animal transmission
Crump, Ronald E., Aliee, Maryam, Sutherland, Samuel A., Huang, Ching-I, Crowley, Emily, Spencer, Simon E. F., Keeling, Matt J., Shampa, Chansy, Mwamba Miaka, Erick and Rock, Kat S.
Sleeping sickness (gambiense human African trypanosomiasis, gHAT) is a vector-borne disease targeted for global elimination of transmission (EoT) by 2030. There are, however, unknowns that have the potential to hinder the achievement and measurement of this goal. These include asymptomatic gHAT infections (inclusive of the potential to self-cure or harbour skin-only infections) and whether gHAT infection in animals can contribute to the transmission cycle in humans. Using modelling, we explore how cryptic (undetected) transmission impacts the monitoring of progress towards and the achievement of the EoT goal. This study is the first to simulate an (as-yet-to-be available) screen-and-treat strategy and found that removing a parasitological confirmation step was predicted to have a more noticeable benefit to transmission reduction under the asymptomatic model compared with the others. Our simulations suggest vector control could greatly impact all transmission routes in all models, although this resource-intensive intervention should be carefully prioritised. Parasites & Vectors. August 2024
Biophysical cartography of the native and human-engineered antibody landscapes quantifies the plasticity of antibody developability
Habib Bashour, Eva Smorodina, Matteo Pariset, Jahn Zhong, Rahmad Akbar, Maria Chernigovskaya, Khang Lê Quý, Igor Snapkow, Puneet Rawat, Konrad Krawczyk, Geir Kjetil Sandve, Jose Gutierrez-Marcos, Daniel Nakhaee-Zadeh Gutierrez, Jan Terje Andersen & Victor Greiff
Designing effective monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics faces a multi-parameter optimization challenge known as “developability”, which reflects an antibody’s ability to progress through development stages based on its physicochemical properties. To chart natural and engineered DP landscapes, we computed 40 sequence- and 46 structure-based DPs of over two million native and human-engineered single-chain antibody sequences. We show that sequence DPs are more predictable than structure-based ones across different machine-learning tasks and embeddings, indicating a constrained sequence-based design space. Human-engineered antibodies localize within the developability and sequence landscapes of natural antibodies, suggesting that human-engineered antibodies explore mere subspaces of the natural one. Our work quantifies the plasticity of antibody developability, providing a fundamental resource for multi-parameter therapeutic mAb design.
Communications Biology July 2024
Improved control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum using mixture combinations of entomopathogenic fungi and the chemical insecticide spiromesifen
Eleanor L. Dearlove, David Chandler, Steve Edgington, Shaun D. Berry, Gareth Martin, Claus Svendsen & Helen Hesketh
Management of T. vaporariorum is problematic because of widespread pesticide resistance, and many greenhouse growers rely on biological control agents to regulate T. vaporariorum populations. However, these are often slow and vary in efficacy, leading to subsequent application of chemical insecticides when pest populations exceed threshold levels. In this study, we evaluated co-applications of the entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) Beauveria bassiana and Cordyceps farinosa and the chemical insecticide spiromesifen in laboratory bioassays. Results indicate the potential for combined applications of EPF and spiromesifen as an effective integrated pest management strategy and demonstrate the applicability of the MixTox model to describe complex mixture interactions.
Scientific Reports. July 2024
A Multipronged Bioengineering, Spectroscopic and Theoretical Approach in Unravelling the Excited-State Dynamics of the Archetype Mycosporine Amino Acid
Michael Hymas, Sopida Wongwas, Simin Roshan, Abigail L. Whittock, Christophe Corre, Reza Omidyan and Vasilios G. Stavros
Mycosporine glycine (MyG) was produced by the fermentation of a purposely engineered bacterial strain and isolated from this sustainable source. The ultrafast spectroscopy of MyG was then investigated in its native, zwitterionic form (MyGzwitter), via femtosecond transient electronic absorption spectroscopy. Complementary nonadiabatic (NAD) simulations suggest that, upon photoexcitation to the lowest excited singlet state (S1), MyGzwitter undergoes efficient nonradiative decay to repopulate the electronic ground state (S0). We propose an initial ultrafast ring-twisting mechanism toward an S1/S0 conical intersection, followed by internal conversion to S0 and subsequent vibrational cooling. This study illuminates the workings of the archetype mycosporine, providing photoprotection, in the UV–B range, to organisms such as corals, macroalgae, and cyanobacteria. This study also contributes to our growing understanding of the photoprotection mechanisms of life.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. July 2024
Within-Host Viral Growth and Immune Response Rates Predict Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Transmission Dynamics for African Buffalo
Joshua C. Macdonald, Hayriye Gulbudak, Brianna Beechler, Erin E. Gorsich, Simon Gubbins, Eva Pérez-Martin and Anna E. Jolles
We investigated within-host dynamics and among-host transmission of three strains (SAT-1, -2, -3) of foot-and-mouth disease viruses (FMDVs) in their wildlife host, African buffalo. Our data reveals contrasting within-host dynamics among viral strains, with SAT-2 eliciting more rapid and effective immune responses than SAT-1 and SAT-3. Within-host viral fitness was overwhelmingly determined by variation among hosts in immune response activation rates but not by variation among individual hosts in viral growth rate. Our analyses investigating across-scale linkages indicate that viral replication rate in the host correlates with transmission rates among buffalo and that adaptive immune activation rate determines the infectious period. These parameters define the virus’s relative basic reproductive number (ℛ0), suggesting that viral invasion potential may be predictable from within-host dynamics.
American Naturalist. July 2024
An atlas of the tomato epigenome reveals that KRYPTONITE shapes TAD-like boundaries through the control of H3K9ac distribution
Jing An, Rim Brik Chaouche, Leonardo I Pereyra-Bistraín, Hugo Zalzalé, Qingyi Wang, Ying Huang, Xiaoning He, Chloé Dias Lopes, Javier Antunez-Sanchez, Catherine Bergounioux, Claire Boulogne, Cynthia Dupas, Cynthia Gillet, José Manuel Pérez-Pérez, Olivier Mathieu, Nicolas Bouché, Sotirios Fragkostefanakis, Yijing Zhang, Shaojian Zheng, Martin Crespi, Magdy M Mahfouz, Federico Ariel, Jose Gutierrez-Marcos, Cécile Raynaud, David Latrasse, Moussa Benhamed
In recent years, the exploration of genome three-dimensional (3D) conformation has yielded profound insights into the regulation of gene expression and cellular functions in both animals and plants. Employing advanced high-throughput sequencing and microscopy techniques, we investigated the landscape of 26 histone modifications and RNA polymerase II distribution in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Our study unveiled a rich and nuanced epigenetic landscape, shedding light on distinct chromatin states associated with heterochromatin formation and gene silencing. Moreover, we elucidated the intricate interplay between these chromatin states and the overall topology of the genome. Employing a genetic approach, we delved into the role of the histone modification H3K9ac in genome topology. Notably, our investigation revealed that the ectopic deposition of this chromatin mark triggered a reorganization of the 3D chromatin structure, defining different TAD-like borders. Our work emphasizes the critical role of H3K9ac in shaping the topology of the tomato genome, providing valuable insights into the epigenetic landscape of this agriculturally significant crop species.
PNAS. July 2024
Coevolutionary analysis of Pseudomonas syringae–phage interactions to help with rational design of phage treatments
Mojgan Rabiey, Emily R. Grace, Paulina Pawlos, Muscab Bihi, Haleem Ahmed, Georgina E. Hampson, Amna Al Riyami, Leena Alharbi, Rosa Sanchez-Lucas, Naina Korotania, Maria Laura Ciusa, Olivia Mosley, Michelle T. Hulin, Laura Baxter, Sabrine Dhaouadi, Diana Vinchira-Villarraga, Robert W. Jacks
Pseudomonas syringae pathovar syringae (Pss) is a major pathogen of cherry (Prunus avium) causing bacterial canker of the stem, leaf and fruit, impacting productivity and leading to a loss of trees. In an attempt to find a treatment for this disease, naturally occurring bacteriophage (phage) that specifically target Pss is being investigated as a biocontrol strategy. However, before using them as a biocontrol treatment, it is important to both understand their efficacy in reducing the bacterial population and determine if the bacterial pathogens can evolve resistance to evade phage infection. To investigate this, killing curve assays of five MR phages targeting Pss showed that phage resistance rapidly emerges in vitro, even when using a cocktail of the five phages together. This study shows that understanding the genetic mechanisms of bacterial pathogen resistance to phages is important for helping to design a more effective approach to kill the bacteria while minimizing the opportunity for phage resistance to manifest.
Microbial Biotechnology. June 20204
A climatic suitability indicator to support Leishmania infantum surveillance in Europe : a modelling study
Carvalho, Bruno M., Maia, Carla, Courtenay, Orin, Llabrés-Brustenga, Alba, Lotto Batista, Martín, Moirano, Giovenale, van Daalen, Kim R., Semenza, Jan C. and Lowe, Rachel
Leishmaniases are neglected diseases transmitted by sand flies. The aim of this modelling study was to develop an indicator that tracks climatic suitability for Leishmania infantum transmission in Europe at the subnational level. Historical records of sand fly vectors, human leishmaniasis, bioclimatic indicators, and environmental variables were integrated in a machine learning framework (XGBoost) to predict suitability in two past periods (2001–2010 and 2011–2020. This study demonstrates how key epidemiological data can be combined with open-source climatic and environmental information to develop an indicator that effectively tracks spatiotemporal changes in climatic suitability and disease risk. The positive association between the model predictions and human disease incidence demonstrates that this indicator could help target leishmaniasis surveillance to transmission hotspots.
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. June 2024
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of fifty strains of Beauveria spp. (Ascomycota, Cordycipitaceae) fungal entomopathogens from diverse geographic origins against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
Laura Reyes-Haro, Gillian Prince, Rommel Santiago Granja-Travez, David Chandler
The diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella) causes large losses to global crop production. Conventional insecticides are losing effectiveness due to resistance. Consequently, there is a growing interest in sustainable control methods like entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) in Integrated Pest Management. However, the field efficacy of fungi varies due to environmental influences. In this study, a group of 50 Beauveria strains sourced from different locations were characterized by genotype and phenotype with respect to their conidial production, temperature and UV-B radiation tolerance, and virulence against DBM. Survival under environmental conditions is crucial for EPF-based commercial products against DBM. Results suggest strain tolerance to environmental stressors is more tied to specific micro-climatic factors than geographical origin. Each strain exhibited unique characteristics; for example, the most virulent strain (#29) was highly UV-sensitive. Therefore, characterizing diverse strains provides essential genotypic and phenotypic insights, which are fundamental for understanding their role as biocontrol agents while facilitating efficient biopesticide product development and uptake
Pest Management Science. June 2024
Mitochondrial and microbial diversity of the invasive mosquito vector species Culex tritaeniorhynchus across its extensive inter-continental geographic range
Claire L. Jeffries, Luciano M Tantely, Perparim Kadriaj, Marcus S C Blagrove, Ioanna Lytra, James Orsborne, Hasan Mohammad Al-Amin, Abdul Rahim Mohammed, Mohammad Shafiul Alam, Romain Girod, Yaw A Afrane, Silvia Bino, Vincent Robert, Sebastien Boyer, Matthew Baylis, Enkelejda Velo, Grant L Hughes, Thomas Walker
In this study, we used laboratory vector competence experiments to determine if Cx. tritaeniorhynchus from a Southern European population were competent JEV vectors. We obtained samples from multiple geographically dispersed Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations from countries within Europe, Africa, Eurasia and Asia to perform phylogenetic analysis to measure the level of mitochondrial divergence using the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene. We also undertook bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to determine microbial diversity and used multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) to determine any evidence for the presence of strains of the naturally occurring endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus from a Greek population were shown be be competent vectors of JEV with high levels of virus present in saliva. We found a signficant level of mitochondrial genetic diversity using the mosquito CO1 gene between geographically dispersed populations. Furthermore, we report diverse microbiomes identified by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing within and between geographical populations. Evidence for the detection of the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia was confirmed using Wolbachia-specific PCR and MLST.
Wellcome Open Research. May 2024
Response patterns of the microbiome during hexavalent chromium remediation by Tagetes erecta L
Juanjuan Xiao, Deying Wang, Banerjee Sinchan, Ryan Mushinski, Decai Jin, Ye Deng
Chromium pollution, particularly hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)], may threaten the environment and human health. This study investigated the potential of Tagetes erecta L. (Aztec marigold) for phytoremediation of soil contaminated with Cr(VI), and focused on the effects of varying concentrations of Cr(VI) on both the physicochemical properties of soil and microbiome of Tagetes erecta L. We observed that Tagetes erecta L. showed tolerance to Cr(VI) stress and maintained normal growth under these conditions, as indicated by bioconcentration factors of 0.33–0.53 in shoots and 0.39–0.70 in roots. Meanwhile, the structure and diversity of bacterial communities were significantly affected by Cr(VI) pollution. This study explored the interactions between heavy metals, microorganisms, and plants, providing valuable insights for developing in situ bioremediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated soils.
Science of the Total Environment. May 2024
Unveiling novel Neocosmospora species from Thai mangroves as potent biocontrol agents against Colletotrichum species
Klomchit, A, Calabon, MS, Worabandit, S, Weaver, JA, Karima, EM, Alberti, F, Greco, C and Mahanil, S
This study aims to investigate the taxonomy, biosynthetic potential, and application of three newly isolated Neocosmospora species from mangrove habitats in the southern part of Thailand using phylogeny, bioactivity screening, genome sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis.
Two fungal isolates of Neocosmospora and a new species of N. mangrovei were reported in this study. These fungal strains showed activity against pathogenic fungi causing anthracnose in chili. In addition, full genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of N. mangrovei MFLUCC 17–0253 were obtained.
Journal of Applied Microbiology. May 2024
A distinct, high affinity, alkaline phosphatase facilitates occupation of P-depleted environments by marine picocyanobacteria
Alberto Torcello-Requena, Andrew Murphy, Ian D. E. A. Lidbury, Frances D. Pitt, Richard Stark, Andrew D. Millard, Richard J. Puxty, Yin Chen, David J. Scanlan
Marine picocyanobacteria of the genera Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, the two most abundant phototrophs on Earth, thrive in oligotrophic oceanic regions. While it is well known that specific lineages are exquisitely adapted to prevailing in situ light and temperature regimes, much less is known of the molecular machinery required to facilitate occupancy of these low-nutrient environments. Here, we describe a hitherto unknown alkaline phosphatase, Psip1, that has a substantially higher affinity for phosphomonoesters than other well-known phosphatases like PhoA, PhoX, or PhoD and is restricted to clade III Synechococcus and a subset of high light I-adapted Prochlorococcus strains, suggesting niche specificity.
PNAS. May 2024
Imaging Single-Cell Ca2+ Dynamics of Brainstem Neurons and Glia in Freely Behaving Mice
Amol M. Bhandare, Nicholas Dale, Robert T. R. Huckstepp
In vivo brain imaging, using a combination of genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators and gradient refractive index (GRIN) lens, is a transformative technology that has become an increasingly potent research tool over the last decade. We have refined the intravital imaging technique to image deep brain nuclei in the ventral medulla oblongata, one of the most difficult brain structures to image due to the movement of brainstem structures outside the cranial cavity during free behaviour (head and neck movement), whose targeting requires GRIN lens insertion through the cerebellum—a key structure for balance and movement. Our protocol refines the implantation method of GRIN lenses, giving the best possible approach to image deep extracranial brainstem structures in awake rodents with improved cell rejection/acceptance criteria during analysis. This revised method paves the way to image challenging brainstem structures to investigate their role in complex behaviours such as breathing, circulation, sleep, digestion, and swallowing, and could be extended to image and study the role of cerebellum in balance, movement, motor learning, and beyond.
Bio-protocol. April 2024