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Thesis Submission

In this section

  • Regulations
  • Appointment of Examiners
  • The Submission Process
  • Submission Regulations
  • Early Submission


All of the regulations governing the preparation, submission, and examining of your thesis (for MA by Research, MPhil and PhD) can be found in the ‘Doctoral College's Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by Research’ via the link below.

Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by ResearchLink opens in a new window

Appointment of Examiners

As you get closer to the submission of your finished thesis, your Supervisor will discuss with you the appointment of your Examiners.

Two Examiners will be appointed, one an Internal Examiner who is usually a member of staff in the Warwick History Department, and an External Examiner, who will be based at another institution. The Internal Examiner may have been involved in your progress during your studies, for example they may have been one of the Assessors for your Upgrade in Year 1, but the External Examiner will not normally have had any involvement in your work previously.

The nomination of your Examiners is ultimately the responsibility of your Supervisor, who makes the recommendation. The form is then checked by the History Director of PG Research before submission to the Doctoral College for consideration. It is the University Doctoral College, not the Department that ultimately appoints your Examiners.

Ideally the Doctoral College should receive your completed Nomination of Examiners Form at least one month before you intend to submit.

Students should complete Part 1 of the form and then forward to supervisor(s) for completion of Part 2. To allow for time for supervisors and the History Director of Postgraduate Research to sign the form, students should aim to complete part one of the form two months before intended submission.

If you are not able to submit the completed Nomination of Examiners Form one month before thesis submission, you can still submit your thesis but there may be a delay in the thesis being dispatched to your examiners.

Students and supervisors will be contacted once the Examiners have been approved.

The Submission Process

From the outset of your studies in Year 1, you should have a clear plan for the completion of your thesis, with a submission date that you are working towards. This plan needs to be regularly reviewed and revised, and must always be realistic and practical.

Once ready to submit, an electronic version of your thesis, together with completed Thesis Submission Declaration Form (Form 3) should be submitted to the Doctoral College via the online form.

Your thesis must meet the University requirements for presentation (section 2)

Presentation of the ThesisLink opens in a new window

Submission Regulations

The Doctoral College guide to examinations has a wealth of information to help make your submission as smooth as possible.

Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by ResearchLink opens in a new window

The FAQ page answers lots of questions covering the entire submission process, including information from embargos to pass lists.

Students should refer to the presentation and referencing section of the PGR Handbook for details of how to avoid plagiarism and further advice on formal requirements, style and proofreading.

Early Submission

An Early Submission Form for a Research DegreeLink opens in a new window should be completed when a research student intends to submit their thesis for examination more than one month before the end of their fee-paying registration.

In addition, if the research student wishes to submit earlier than the times specified below, a statement from the student explaining the reasons for this request should be attached to the form.

PhD (full or part-time) - 5 months

MPhil (full or part-time) - 4 months

Master’s degree by Research (full or part-time) - 2 months

Students should be advised that it is University policy that where a student submits early for a research degree, the full fee covering the minimum period of registration for the degree will still be charged (i.e. there will be no reduction or remittance in the fee paid).

Students who are funded by one of the UK Research Councils or in receipt of University funding should also be advised that where they submit early, this may result in the early termination of their maintenance grant from the relevant Research Council or the University.

Please find more information about Early Submission here.



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