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Warwick Community: Our Community Values and Expectations

At Warwick, we value our diverse and international community, the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and research with real impact. We nurture intellectual challenge and rational, rigorous debate. We want to support our students and each other to become critical thinkers and collaborative yet independent learners – individuals with a global and sustainable outlook, who are able to make an active and positive contribution to society.

At the same time, we are committed to working towards a supportive, accessible and inclusive environment within which all members of our community can successfully learn, work, live and socialise. We uphold the importance not only of freedom of thought and expression, but also the significance of academic and personal integrity, equality and diversity, and mutual respect and consideration for the rights, safety and dignity of all. We place great importance on the responsible behaviour of both our students and staff at Warwick. It is important for you, as a student, to have an idea of Warwick’s core values and an understanding of the primary expectations of student members of the Warwick community.

We subscribe to Warwick's Community Values Education Programme which includes the Active Bystander course.

Take a look at the following to help you understand what this means for you:

What is expected of Students at Warwick which summarises key expectations for students and signposts to associated support:

Equal Opportunities Statement, setting the value we place on maintaining an inclusive environment where all can contribute and reach their full potential:

Dignity at Warwick Policy, setting out how our differences are respected and valued and how we aim to prevent and address harassment and bullying:

University Strategy, which sets our vision as a world-class university and our values:

University Calendar, the main ‘rule book’ and includes ordinances and regulations which you need to be aware of, including examinations, cheating, use of computing facilities and behaviour. As a History student at the University of Warwick, you are part of a vibrant and diverse community that is ambitious, passionate about learning, proactive and takes advantage of the many opportunities available to them, academically and socially. Your knowledge, values and aspirations are built into our teaching and learning approach. We’ll work as partners and co-creators so that your education is the very best and you gain maximum benefit from your time here:

In order to ensure that this partnership is successful, each party has to undertake to fulfil certain responsibilities and abide by certain codes of conduct. Warwick Student Community Statement sets out the mutual aspirations and expectations of members of the University in fostering a high-quality experience and enhancing the vibrant, welcoming, and yet challenging, Warwick community to which we all belong:


What We Expect From You

The University’s Regulation 36 governs students’ registration, attendance and progress. The following is an extract from the Regulation:

  1. Students are expected to engage fully with their course of study, take responsibility for their own learning and co-operate with their department and wider University as members of the University community. Students must comply with the requirements for their course as set out by the department.
  2. Students are expected to inform departments of any health problems, changes in circumstances or other difficulties that may affect their progress. If a student fails to inform the department, these circumstances cannot be taken into account.
  3. Students may be required by the Head of Department to meet with staff in the department. Students may also be required to meet with administrative staff in the wider University.
  4. If a student’s progress or behaviour persistently fails to meet the expectations set out in this Regulation and departmental course requirements, the Head of Department may recommend to a Continuation of Registration Committee that the student be required to withdraw (under section 36.4.4).

The Departmental Calendar provides a one-stop source of information about events, including research seminars. We expect our PGRs to attend seminars, workshops and conferences where at all possible since we believe this not only increases a sense of community but helps researchers with the approaches they take to their material and offers an important insight into academic life for those thinking of continuing with a university career.

Cyber Bullying and the Use of Social Networking Sites

Cyberbullying is a term used to refer to bullying through electronic media, usually via social networking sites, personal web pages, emails, Twitter, text messages, personal space provided by internet providers, and internet presence including social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram, and all other social media whether private, personal or public. In using all social media or posting online all staff and students should consider the content, language and appropriateness of such communications.

The following guidance is relevant for both students and staff in relation to online behaviour:

Avoid using language which would be deemed to be offensive, threatening or humiliating to others in a face-to-face setting as the impact on an individual may be much the same or worse as it may not be possible to delete online information

  • Avoid forming or joining an online group that isolates or victimises fellow students or colleagues
  • Ensure that social networking sites are not used to access or share illegal content
  • Avoid defamatory comments in relation to employees, students, customers or suppliers of the University
  • Do not share confidential information regarding a University employee, student, customer or supplier.

Staff and students are encouraged to report incidences of inappropriate online behaviour. If alleged cyberbullying or harassment is reported it will be dealt with in accordance with this policy and may lead to disciplinary action in the same way as incidents that take place in a face-to-face setting.

Staff and students should ensure they comply with the University’s regulations governing the use of University computing facilities at


Expectations and Department Information

Student Voice

The Department has a Postgraduate Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC), for which the Director of PGR Studies acts as convenor. The SSLC is an elected body made up of student course representatives and academic members of staff to discuss any issues or concerns raised by students. The student representatives, including a Chair and a Secretary, will be elected by the Committee at the SSLC Election meeting held during the first week of term.

Issues raised during SSLC meetings are reported first to the Education Committee and then to the relevant staff committee where the issues can be addressed. The Committee meets four or five times a year, to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern. It acts as a forum where questions about your course of study, and about the running of the Graduate Programme can be raised. All responses are reported back to the SSLC.

Postgraduate SSLCIf you feel you have grounds for complaint, you should initially raise your concerns within the Department, through discussion with your Course Director, SSLC, R/PGR Director, the Head of Department, or with the Students’ Union Education Officer. If this does not lead to a satisfactory outcome there is a formal academic complaints procedure, full details of which are provided on the University’s website.

Complaints Procedure

The Department of History actively seeks feedback from our students about how we are doing and how we can improve. If you would like to give feedback, share an idea or make a complaint, there are several ways you can do this. Please see our Student Voice website for further information:

Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs)

The SSLC is an elected body made up of student course representatives and academic members of staff to discuss any issues or concerns raised by students. Issues raised during SSLC meetings are reported first to the Education Committee and then to the relevant staff committee where the issues can be addressed. All responses are reported back to the SSLC. For more information about the SSLC and to find your course representative, click below:

Undergraduate SSLCPostgraduate SSLC

The History Society

With over 800 members, Warwick’s History Society (HistSoc) is one of the largest and best-known societies on campus renowned for its socials, ball, tour, incredibly popular sports teams and impressive academic support! Socials are a big part of their identity with termly HistSoc nights out on and off-campus. They look to support their members academically through essay workshops, module fairs, guest speakers and the newly developed mentor scheme.




Welfare and Support

University PG Research Support

Research Course Regulations

Progression and Examination

Expected Participation

Personal Development

Funding and Travel Support

Student Voice