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Teaching Opportunities

Opportunities to Gain Teaching Experience

It is one of the key features of graduate training in History at Warwick that we provide excellent opportunities for our research students to gain teaching experience on our undergraduate degrees.

Teaching requirements for the coming academic year are resolved before the end of the previous Summer Term when the Department Academic Administrator will inform all PGR students and their supervisors of what teaching will be available. Students then apply, with the support of their Supervisor.

For information on how to apply for Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) positions, please see the GTA Teaching page.

We predominantly select students in Years 2 and 3, but students in Year 4 are also often given teaching, depending on the progress of their research. Selection of those to be given teaching is at the discretion of the Head of Department, who will be guided by the advice of Supervisors. In normal circumstances, it is our intention to give teaching experience to all students during the course of their research studies at Warwick.

You won’t be expected to design a module but you will be contributing, usually in the form of seminar tutoring, on core or specialist modules convened by a permanent member of staff. The latter should be your first point of call in case of any queries and for advice. On some modules there may be an opportunity for you to gain some lecturing experience. You may well have a good deal of flexibility, within the framework of the module, to deliver seminars in your own way but ask the module convenor about this.

All guidance about teaching is provided in the History Department Teaching One-Stop-Shop. You are also strongly encouraged to review the Undergraduate Handbook so that you know what information has been given to students.

GTA's will receive a Departmental induction before the start of the new academic year, and will also be asked to attend a marking workshop during term one.

History Department Teaching One-Stop-Shop

Essential Training

Preparing to Teach in Higher Education

Postgraduate research students who undertake teaching in the Department must complete the 'Preparing to Teach in Higher Education' course provided by the Learning and Development Centre prior to the start of the Autumn Term.

The majority of the module is online, and also has a required 1.5 hour face-to-face session which normally takes place in February. The time and date will be circulated to all PGR students once the class has been scheduled.

Details of how to enrol will be announced at the start of term 2 so that you are fully equipped if you are thinking about teaching in the autumn.

Preparing to Teach in Higher Education

Community Values Education Programme

The Community Values Education Programme (CVEP) is a central initiative dedicated to cultivating a secure and inclusive environment for Warwick's student community. CVEP supports UG and PGT students to uphold Warwick Values through the Active Bystander method, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to safely address unacceptable behaviours.

Community Values Education Programme

PGRs in the Teaching Space

As part of the Community Values Education Programme, this project aims to create a resource for PGRs to build confidence, knowledge, and skills to enable those that teach to use Active Bystander principles to address unacceptable behaviour in the teaching space to create a safe, engaged, inclusive learning experience.

PGRs in the Teaching Space

Further Training

Academic and Professional Pathway for Postgraduate Researchers who Teach

Having completed Preparing to Teach in Higher Education and receiving the certificate of completion, you may want to consider progressing to the Academic and Professional Pathway for Postgraduate Researchers who Teach (APP PGR).

This leads to a nationally accredited Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, a status that would be recognised by any prospective HEI employer in the UK and hence may boost your chances of gaining teaching elsewhere. The process last six months and involves a variety of different reflective assignments. This element is not essential, from the department's point of view, but would constitute part of your academic development and could be useful for your CV.


Inclusive Pedagogies

The Inclusive Pedagogies provision offers three services for staff and student/staff collectives:

1. Inclusive Education Programme: A series of workshops on inclusion, decolonisation, anti-racism, neurodiversity, working with students as partners, etc.

2. Inclusive Voices Forum: An online platform for staff and students to discuss issues related to inclusion.

3: Inclusive Support: We offer consultations and bespoke resources and workshops for members of staff.

Inclusive Pedagogies

Short Courses

The Academic Development Centre also offer a number of online short courses in subjects such Curriculum Development Essentials, Teaching for Learning Online and Tackling Racial Inequality. For details visit the ADC web page

Academic Development Centre



Welfare and Support

University PG Research Support

Research Course Regulations

Progression and Examination

Expected Participation

Personal Development

Funding and Travel Support

Student Voice