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Refereed papers downloads

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PDF document 001.pdf Definitive notations for interaction [scanned from paper original] (764 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 001.txt Definitive notations for interaction [text via OCR] (34 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 002.pdf Paradigms for programming [scanned from paper original] (682 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 002.txt Paradigms for programming [text via OCR] (29 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 003.pdf The LSD notation for communicating systems [scanned from paper original] (1.0 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 003.txt The LSD notation for communicating systems [text via OCR] (43 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 004.pdf Comparison of SDL and LSD [scanned from paper original] (626 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 004.txt Comparison of SDL and LSD [text via OCR] (27 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 005.pdf Definitive principles for interactive graphics [scanned from paper original] (1.4 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 005.txt Definitive principles for interactive graphics [text via OCR] (65 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 006.pdf Implementing a definitive notation for interactive graphics [scanned from paper original] (862 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 006.txt Implementing a definitive notation for interactive graphics [text via OCR] (37 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 007.pdf Definitions for modelling and simulating concurrent systems [scanned from paper original] (755 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 008.pdf Definitions for the specification of educational software [scanned from paper original] (970 KB) Meurig Beynon 05/12/19
Text file 008.txt Definitions for the specification of educational software [text via OCR] (30 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 009.pdf The EDEN Handbook [scanned from paper original] (2.1 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 009.txt The EDEN Handbook [text via OCR] (99 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 010.pdf Parallel computation in definitive models [scanned from paper original] (777 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 010.txt Parallel computation in definitive models [text via OCR] (35 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 011.pdf Evaluating definitive principles for interactive graphics [scanned from paper original] (1.0 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 011.txt Evaluating definitive principles for interactive graphics [text via OCR] (43 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 012.pdf Representing design knowledge in a definitive programming framework [scanned from paper original] (1.2 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 012.txt Representing design knowledge in a definitive programming framework [text via OCR] (44 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 013.pdf A definitive programming approach to the implementation of CAD software [scanned from paper original] (2.2 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 013.txt A definitive programming approach to the implementation of CAD software [text via OCR] (95 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 014.pdf The Development and Use of Variables in Mathematics & Computer Science [scanned from paper original] (729 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 014.txt The Development and Use of Variables in Mathematics & Computer Science [text via OCR] (32 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 015.pdf Definitive programming as a framework for design [scanned from paper original] (1.0 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 015.txt Definitive programming as a framework for design [text via OCR] (47 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 016.pdf Parallelism in a definitive programming framework [scanned from paper original] (408 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 016.txt Parallelism in a definitive programming framework [text via OCR] (18 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 017a.pdf Definitive specification of concurrent systems (in pre-publication format) (1000 KB) Meurig Beynon 24/05/22
PDF document 017b.pdf Definitive specification of concurrent systems (in draft version of 08/11/89) (1.1 MB) Meurig Beynon 24/05/22
PDF document 017old.pdf Definitive specification of concurrent systems [scanned from paper original] (637 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 017.pdf Definitive specification of concurrent systems (as in UKIT'90 publication format) (740 KB) Meurig Beynon 24/05/22
Text file 017.txt Definitive specification of concurrent systems [text via OCR] (42 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 018.pdf Definitive Interfaces as a Visualisation Mechanism [scanned from paper original] (589 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 018.txt Definitive Interfaces as a Visualisation Mechanism [text via OCR] (34 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 019.pdf Programming as Modelling: New Concepts and Techniques [scanned from paper original] (925 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 019.txt Programming as Modelling: New Concepts and Techniques [text via OCR] (39 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 020.pdf Programming Paradigms and the Semantics of Geometric Symbols [scanned from paper original] (278 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 020.txt Programming Paradigms and the Semantics of Geometric Symbols [text via OCR] (13 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 021.pdf Computer Environments for Mathematical Research: a project report [scanned from paper original] (1.3 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 021.txt Computer Environments for Mathematical Research: a project report [text via OCR] (53 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 022.pdf Programming Principles for Visualisation in Mathematical Research [scanned from paper original] (971 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 022.txt Programming Principles for Visualisation in Mathematical Research [text via OCR] (30 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 023.pdf Agent-oriented Modelling for a Vehicle Cruise Controller [scanned from paper original] (482 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 023.txt Agent-oriented Modelling for a Vehicle Cruise Controller [text via OCR] (28 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 024.pdf Enhancing Interaction in Computer-Aided Design [scanned from paper original] (530 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 024.txt Enhancing Interaction in Computer-Aided Design [text via OCR] (23 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 025.pdf Scientific Visualization: Experiments and Observations [scanned from paper original] (1017 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 025.txt Scientific Visualization: Experiments and Observations [text via OCR] (41 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 026.pdf Agent-oriented Modelling for Discrete-Event Systems [scanned from paper original] (344 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 026.txt Agent-oriented Modelling for Discrete-Event Systems [text via OCR] (15 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 027.pdf The Interpretation of States: a New Foundation for Computation? [scanned from paper original] (929 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 027.txt The Interpretation of States: a New Foundation for Computation? [text via OCR] (40 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 028.pdf New Paths for Programming in Theory and Practice [scanned from paper original] (917 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 028.txt New Paths for Programming in Theory and Practice [text via OCR] (39 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 029.pdf Modelling a Canal System using Definitive Principles [scanned from paper original] (544 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 029.txt Modelling a Canal System using Definitive Principles [text via OCR] (26 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 030.pdf Agent-Oriented Modelling for Engineering Design [scanned from paper original] (487 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 030.txt Agent-Oriented Modelling for Engineering Design [text via OCR] (22 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 031.pdf A New Paradigm for Parallelism in Engineering Applications [scanned from paper original] (152 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 031.txt A New Paradigm for Parallelism in Engineering Applications [text via OCR] (6 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 032.pdf Programming as Human-Computer Interaction [scanned from paper original] (500 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 032.txt Programming as Human-Computer Interaction [text via OCR] (20 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 033.pdf Computer Programming for Noughts-and-Crosses: New Frontiers [scanned from paper original] (689 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 033.txt Computer Programming for Noughts-and-Crosses: New Frontiers [text via OCR] (29 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 034.pdf A Computational Model for Multiagent Interaction in Concurrent Engineering [scanned from paper original] (486 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 034.txt A Computational Model for Multiagent Interaction in Concurrent Engineering [text via OCR] (30 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 035.pdf A New Computer-Based Tool for Conceptual Design [scanned from paper original] (1.0 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 035.txt A New Computer-Based Tool for Conceptual Design [text via OCR] (46 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 036.pdf Applying Agent-oriented Design to a Sail Boat Simulation [scanned from paper original] (906 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 036.txt Applying Agent-oriented Design to a Sail Boat Simulation [text via OCR] (37 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 037.pdf Agent-oriented Modelling and the Explanation of Behaviour [scanned from paper original] (893 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 037.txt Agent-oriented Modelling and the Explanation of Behaviour [text via OCR] (41 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 038.pdf Interactive Geometric Modelling based on R-functions [scanned from paper original] (768 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 038.txt Interactive Geometric Modelling based on R-functions [text via OCR] (33 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 039.pdf A Computer-Aided Script Generator for Computer Aided Design [scanned from paper original] (651 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 039.txt A Computer-Aided Script Generator for Computer Aided Design [text via OCR] (29 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 040.pdf An Agent-oriented Framework for Concurrent Engineering [scanned from paper original] (330 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 040.txt An Agent-oriented Framework for Concurrent Engineering [text via OCR] (17 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 041.pdf Worlds Before and Beyond Words [scanned from paper original] (981 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 041.txt Worlds Before and Beyond Words [text via OCR] (41 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 042.pdf Computer-Assisted Jigsaw Construction: a Case-Study in Empirical Modelling [scanned from paper original] (1.2 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 042.txt Computer-Assisted Jigsaw Construction: a Case-Study in Empirical Modelling [text via OCR] (42 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 043.pdf Empirical Modelling Principles for Cognitive Artefacts [scanned from paper original] (764 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 043.txt Empirical Modelling Principles for Cognitive Artefacts [text via OCR] (23 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 044.pdf Higher-order constructs for interactive graphics in a definitive programming framework [scanned from paper original] (920 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 044.txt Higher-order constructs for interactive graphics in a definitive programming framework [text via OCR] (39 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 045.pdf Spreadsheets and programming [scanned from paper original] (465 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 045.txt Spreadsheets and programming [text via OCR] (21 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 046.pdf Empirical Modelling Principles in Application Development for the Disabled [scanned from paper original] (322 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 046.txt Empirical Modelling Principles in Application Development for the Disabled [text via OCR] (16 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 047.pdf Empirical Modelling for Educational Technology [scanned from paper original] (1.6 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 047.txt Empirical Modelling for Educational Technology [text via OCR] (80 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 048.pdf Enabling Technologies for Empirical Modelling in Graphics [scanned from paper original] (1.3 MB) 30/11/06
Text file 048.txt Enabling Technologies for Empirical Modelling in Graphics [text via OCR] (44 KB) 30/11/06
PDF document 049.pdf Empirical Modelling: a New Approach to Understanding Requirements [scanned from paper original] (759 KB) 30/11/06
Text file 049.txt Empirical Modelling: a New Approach to Understanding Requirements [text via OCR] (23 KB) 30/11/06