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Press Releases

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Seventy years of crop research at Warwick’s Wellesbourne campus celebrated at industry event

Over 100 scientists, industry experts and employees past and present attended an event held at Warwick Crop Centre to celebrate 70 years of research at the site.

Lasers, rockets and explosions as Christmas lectures return to Warwick

Lasers, chemical reactions and the biggest explosion allowed in Warwick Arts Centre are among the spectacles promised at this year’s Christmas Lectures at the University of Warwick.

Local residents entertained, challenged and moved by ESRC Festival of Social Science

More than 500 people took part in the workshops, talks and activities organised by the University of Warwick for this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science. University researchers took to Coventry and Warwickshire’s streets, bars and community centres to share insights from their work with enthusiastic and interested audiences. The events tackled topics from the nature of time itself and the puzzle of DNA to taxes and accents.

Launched: Festival of Social Science programme for Coventry and Warwickshire

Nine free workshops and events are being hosted by Warwick researchers from 2 – 9 November 2019 as part of the UK-wide ESRC Festival of Social Science. Festival-goers can find out about how our understanding of DNA might shape the future of healthcare, share a refugee’s frightening journey across the Mediterranean by sea, dig deep into archive recordings of the Coventry accent, explore the impact of landmark legal cases through art, photography and theatre, or take a guided walk on Coventry’s wild side to explore the local environment.

Seven-year old inventor sees her machine made real at University of Warwick’s Family Day

Over 5,000 people visited the University of Warwick’s special science themed Family Day at the weekend. Among them was seven-year-old Evie Williams who won the University’s Rube Goldberg machine competition.

Post-16 students glimpse their futures at British Science Festival

Post-16 students from across Coventry and Warwickshire will get a glimpse into the future – and the tools to shape their own – as they develop their employability skills with some of the region’s top employers at the University of Warwick.

Fri 06 Sep 2019, 11:12 | Tags: Event, events, schools, British Science Festival

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