Academic Year 2017/2018 (IT212)
The first meeting for this module will be on Thursday 5 October 12 - 13 in LIB1
Three hours per week for 20 weeks, over three terms, beginning on Thursday (Induction only) in the first week of the first term and excluding week 6 (Reading Week) both in Terms I and II.
Module objectives
• Comprehension and/or translation of a number of selected passages of prose from various sources (e.g. extracts taken from authoritative academic texts)
Consolidation of grammar
• Acquisition of recognition skills in advanced grammatical areas
Term 1
NOTE: Translations should be printed out and brought to class. They must be word processed and double-spaced. Answers to comprehension questions should be in English. If students are unable to attend, the texts should be placed in the plastic tray outside of H4.10 by noon on Wednesday of the relevant week.WEEK 1: INDUCTION
T.1., WEEK 2
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 1 INCONTRI e parlare dei eventi passati
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Tempi passati: Passato Prossimo dei verbi servili, Passato Prossimo vs Imperfetto, Review of irregular Participio Passato
- Reference related to week 2 grammar points (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapters 14 (new) and 16 (new)
- Revision exercises related to week 2 grammar points (Italian Grammar in Practice): exs. 1-2-3-4 pages 69-70 (new); 1-2-3-4 pages 71-72 (new); exs. 1-2-3 pages 74-75 (new).
Pronomi: diretti, indiretti, riflessivi; Pronomi con il Passato Prossimo - accordo con avere/essere, accordo con pronomi riflessivi; posizione dei pronomi in alcune costruzioni. - - - - Reference for week 3 grammar topics: Italian Grammar in Practice - chapters 12 (new), 15 (new), 17 (new), 20 (new)
- Revision for week 3 grammar topics (Italian Grammar in Practice): Ex. 1-2-3 page 80-81 (new); Ex. 2, 4, 6 pages 94-95 (new); Ex. 3-4 pages 108-109 (new); Ex. 2-3 pages 110-111 (new). Homework due in week 2, related to passato prossimo/imperfetto (see week 2 for reference): exercise 3-4 page 5, 9-10 page 7 (Italian Espresso 2 Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: Translation 1 (bring to class in Week 2): “First, we take Florence”: The Medici Bankers and their Rise to Power week2.docx Please note point about translation homework above.
T. 1, WEEK 3
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 1 INCONTRI e parlare di eventi passati
- Futuro e frase ipotetiche e Gerundio (Future, if clauses and gerund)
- Students should have revised on their own grammar classes on pronouns (week 3) and have done all grammar exercises.
- Reference related to Futuro e frase ipotetiche e Gerundio (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 21 (new); ch. 8 (new), p. 46.
- Revision related to Futuro e frase ipotetiche e Gerundio (Italian Grammar in Practice): Ex. 1-2 page 143 (new); Ex. 3-4 page 144 (new); Ex. 3 page 124 (new); ex. 4 page 126 (new); ex. 1 page 127 (new); 3-4 page 128 (new).
- Homework due in class in week 3: related to pronouns (see week 3 for reference): exercises 11-12-13-14-15 pages 8-9 (Italian Espresso 2 Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: In-class discussion on Translation 2: Political Alliances and the Medici
T. 1, WEEK 4
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 2 PROGETTI FUTURI e parlare di progetti e piani per il futuro
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Grammar topics to be discussed in class in week 5: verbi Bastare/Servire e altre costruzioni simili (mancare, occorrere, etc..); Imperativo informale singolare (Informal Imperative singular); posizione dei pronomi (position of pronouns).
- Reference related to week 5 grammar points (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapters 21 (new), 25 (new)
- Revision exercises related to week 5 grammar points: ex. 4-5-6 page 165-166 (new); ex. 1-2-3 pages 167-168 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Homework due in class in week 4, related to Future tenses (see week 4 for reference): exercises 5-6-7-8-12-13 pages 12-15 (Italian Espresso 2 Workbook); written work: write a transcript of an interview to your faviourite music band (170 words)
- Feedback on Translation from Week 3 and in-class discussion.
- Homework to hand in in class in week 4: Balboni, p. 40 up to 'confederazione' (three lines from bottom).
T. 1, WEEK 5
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Imperativo formale, Imperativo informale plurale; Pronomi combinati (Formal Imperative; Informal imperative plural; Combined pronouns)
- Reference related to Imperativo formale, Imperativo informale plurale; Pronomi combinati: chapters 20 (new), p. 125-127, 135-136; chs. 25 (new), 27 (new)
- Revision exercises related to Imperativo formale, Imperativo informale plurale; Pronomi combinati: ex. 1-2-3 pages 129-130 (new); ex. 1-2 page 131 (new); ex. 3 page 134 (new); ex. 3 page 136 (new); ex. 1-2 page 164 (new; already done in class); 3-4-5-6-7-8 pages 165-166 (new); ex. 1-2-3 pages 167-168 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Homework due in class in week 5, related to Imperativo Informale and Pronouns (see week 5 for reference): ex. 2-3 page 16, 5-6 page 17; 8-9-10 page 18; 11-12-13 page 19; 14-15 page 20 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook);
- Translation due in class: East meets West: The 1432 Council of Ferrara-Florence Please bring your own dictionary!
T. 1, WEEK 6 - reading week
LANGUAGE SKILLS: make the most of reading week by revising all grammar topics explored in weeks 2-5 and (re)doing all relevant exercices in Italian Grammar in Practice. Check syllabus (weeks 2-5) for further details on book chapters.
TRANSLATION: complete Translation 3. Students are welcome to submit it in class in week 7.
T. 1, WEEK 7
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 4 MENS SANA e dare istruzioni in situazioni formali
Work: write 200 words and answer the questions related to the reading page 36.
reading: read the text on page 40 and answer the question orally
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Comparativi e superlativi irregolari (Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives)
- Reference related to Comparativi e superlativi irregolari (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 22 (new)
- Revision exercises related to Comparativi e superlativi irregolari: ex. 1-2 pages 148-149 (new); ex. 1-2 page 150 (new); ex. 1-2-3 pages 151-152 (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Homework due in class in week 7, related to Imperativo formale, Imperativo informale plurale; Pronomi combinati (see week 7 for reference): ex. 5 page 23, 6-7 page 24; 8-9-10 page 25 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook);
TRANSLATION CLASS: Homework due in week 7: Dialogue on Black Death between Giovanni and Salvatore
T. 1, WEEK 8
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 4 MENS SANA e fare comparazioni
homework for week 8: write 200 words for exercise 21 page 43. and read n 9 page 50 (and become familiar with the vocab)
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: - Passato remoto: chapter 30 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Exercises related to Passato remoto: ex. 1-2-3-4-5 pages 209-210 (new); ex. 6-8 page 211 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
There will be a NON-assessed quiz/test with regular and irregular forms in week 1, term 2.
- Pronomi relativi (Relative Pronouns): chapter 23 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Exercises related to Pronomi relativi: ex. 1-2-3-4-5 pages 154-155 (new); ex. 1-2 page 156 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice); ex. 11-13 page 34-35 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workshop)
- Trapassato prossimo (Past Perfect): chapter 24 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Exercises related to Trapassato prossimo: ex. 1-2-3-4 page 159-61 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice); ex. 5-6-8-9 page 32-33 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workshop)
- OPTIONAL: REVISION exercises: Progress Test, pages 169-172 (new) (Italian Grammar in Practice).
Homework due in class in week 8, related to Comparativi e Superlativi: (see week 8 for reference) ex. 11-12 pages 26-27;
- Homework due in week 8: Please prepare the short translation from English to Italian distributed in class in Week 7: Defining the Renaissance
-in-class workshop on translation to be distributed in class: Venice: The Most Cosmopolitan City in Italy?
T. 1, WEEK 9
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 5 DO YOU SPEAK ITALIAN? e raccontare esperienze passate
General revision: ex. 1-2-3-4-5-6 pages 28-29 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
- Please prepare and bring your translation (Italian to English) Week 9 Translation Passato remoto Please bring your own INDIVIDUAL (digital/paper) dictionary!
T. 1, WEEK 10
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 5 DO YOU SPEAK ITALIAN? e raccontare esperienza passate CHAPTER 5 - Indicativo trapassato prossimo
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Assessment 1 (grammar + writing) 10%
- REVISION exercises that you may find helpful (Italian Grammar in Practice) in preparation for the test: ex. 1-2-3 pages 134-5; ex. 6-7-8 pages 136-7; ex. 3-4 page 167; ex. 6 page.168.
- Further suggestion: consider revising all grammar topics (weeks 2 to 9) and re-doing all exercises in preparation for the test.
- Translation 6 (The Adventures of Marco Polo, related to trapassato prossimo). If you have time, do the translation at home and we will discuss it in class. Please bring your own (digital/paper) dictionary, if you can!
- Grammar revision for the translation class in week 10: chapter 23 (Italian Grammar in Practice); ex. 1-2-3-4 page 157-158 (Italian Grammar in Practice)
Homework due in week 1, term 2:
- Translation 7 (Leon Battista Alberti in Rimini and Bologna).- please bring to class two copies of your translation (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work/check in class)
Please note: Translations should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). Translations will be handed in in class.
Term 2
T. 2, WEEK 1
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 6 VIVERE IN CITTA' e palare al passato
LANGUAGE SKILLS: unasssessed passato remoto - quiz/test;
Condizionale presente e passato e uso del condizionale per riferire notizie incerte (ch 10) e condizionale passato - futuro del passato
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 2: Condizionale presente e passato e uso del condizionale per riferire notizie incerte (present and perfect conditional) + condizionale passato - futuro del passato (future in the past)
- Reference related to Conditional (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 18
- Homework due in class in week 1, related to Passato Remoto (see Christmas break for reference): ex. 10-12 pages 39-40-41 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook); related to Relative pronouns (see Christmas break for reference): ex. 10-12-pages 34-35 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
- OPTIONAL homework, related to Passato Remoto (see Christmas break for reference): ex. 11-13 pages 40-41 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: for homework due in week 1, please check above 'Christmas break'
T. 2, WEEK 2
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 6 VIVERE IN CITTA' e parlare al passato
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Congiuntivo presente
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 3: congiuntivo presente (present subjunctive)
- Reference related to subjunctive (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 26 (new)
- Homework due in class in week 2, related to Conditional (see week 2 for reference): ex. 6-7-8-9 pages 38-39 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
- OPTIONAL homework, related to Passato Remoto, Pronomi relativi, Trapassato prossimo (see Christmas break for reference) and Condizionale (see week 2 for reference): ex. 1-2-3-4 page 42-43 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook
TRANSLATION CLASS: translation to hand in class in week 2
Please note: Translations should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). Translations will be handed in in class.
T. 2, WEEK 3
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 7 LUOGHI COMUNI e esprimere opinioni
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Congiuntivo passato e imperfetto
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 3: congiuntivo passato e imperfetto (past and imperfect subjunctive)
- Reference related to subjunctive (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 26 (new)
- Reference related to indefinite pronouns and adjectives (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 33 (new), p. 217
- Homework due in class in week 4, related to congiuntivo presente (see week 3 for reference): ex. 1-2-3-4 pages 44-45 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
- OPTIONAL homework, related to congiuntivo presente (see week 3 for reference): ex. 8-10 page 46-47 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: Reading Comprehension to hand in class in week 3 - please bring to class two copies of your answers (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work on/check in class)
Please note: HW should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). HW will be handed in in class.
T. 2, WEEK 4
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 7 LUOGHI COMUNI e esprimere opinioni
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Congiuntivo in dipendenza da connettivi, perche’ con il congiuntivo o indicativo congiuntivo in dipendenza da congiunzioni (ch. 10)- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 7: subjunctive and connectives (chapter 26 (new), Italian Grammar in Practice) - Homework due in class in week 7, related to pronomi e aggettivi indefiniti (see week 5 for reference): ex. 13-14-15 page 49; ex. 5-6-7-8 page 53-54 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook); revision: re-do all the exercises, also the optional ones (see syllabus, weeks 1-5). - OPTIONAL homework, related to pronomi e aggettivi indefiniti: ex. 14 page 49 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: Reading Comprehension to hand in class in week 4 - please bring to class two copies of your answers (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work on/check in class)
Please note: HW should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). HW will be handed in in class.
T. 2, WEEK 5
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 8 PAROLE PAROLE PAROLE e riferire opinioni personali, argomentare
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: Assessment 2 (grammar+ comprehension) worth 10%
- Homework to do for week 5, related to congiuntivo passato (see week 4 for reference): ex. 5-6-7-9 pages 45-46-47 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
- OPTIONAL homework, related to congiuntivo passato (see week 4 for reference): ex. 11-12 page 48 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
TRANSLATION CLASS: this week we will focus on the grammar topics below, but please also keep up with the practice of translation as below.
Congiuntivo imperfetto e trapassato + pronomi e aggettivi indefiniti
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 5: congiuntivo imperfetto e trapassato (past subjunctive), indefinite pronouns and adjectives
- Reference related to subjunctive and indefinite pronouns and adjectives (Italian Grammar in Practice): chapter 25
Homework: testo per la traduzione: translation to hand in class in week 5 - please bring to class two copies of your translation (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work on/check in class)
Please note: Translations should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). Translations will be handed in in class.
T. 2, WEEK 6 - READING WEEK (work on ch 8)
T. 2, WEEK 7
ORAL CLASS: CHAPTER 9 INVITO ALLA LETTURA e esprimere giudizi e scopi
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class in week 8: if clauses (chapter 28 new, Italian Grammar in Practice)
- Homework due in class : TBC
TRANSLATION CLASS: translation to hand in class in week 7 - please bring to class two copies of your translation (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work on/check in class)
Please note: Translations should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). Translations will be handed in in class.
T. 2, WEEK 8
ORAL CLASS: fare previsioni
TRANSLATION: do and bring to class this assignment.
T. 2, WEEK 9
For further practice, homework translation is here.
-Homework due in class week 10: bring in two historical concepts/time period/questions for next week's module to workshop ideas for the presentation in class and fill in lyrics for "Se telefonando" on worksheet.
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: further work on the passive: (ch 29 new, pp. 198-200) si passivante + forma passiva del verbo andare
- Grammar topic to be discussed in class: passive voice (chapter 29 new, Italian Grammar in Practice, pp. 194-197)
- Homework due in class: Nocchi, Italian Grammar in Practice, p. 190, ex. 2; pp. 192-193, ex. 4-6 ('if' clauses); from Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook: p. 80, no. 9; p. 81, nos. 11 and 12.
T. 2, WEEK 10
ORAL CLASS: topics of presentations
LANGUAGE SKILLS CLASS: adverbs and other material in chs. 11 and ch. 23 (impersonal form with reflexive verbs; relative pronouns che and cui)
- Homework due in class in week 10: from Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook, ex. 10-11-12-13 pages 60-61; ex. 4 pages 63; ex. 11-12-13, page 92
TRANSLATION CLASS: please bring to class this assignment.
EASTER: work on CHAPTER 11
Oral Class: (1.)Abstract for the oral exam topic (2.) Read and complete worksheet assignment on 'Venezia, Guide contro i “free tours”: «Concorrenza illegale»'
Grammar: revision of all grammar topics explored in Term 1 and 2. Re-do all worksheet exercises, if needed.
New exercises:
14 page 61 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook);
3-4 page 71; 6-7-8 page 84; 9-10-11 page 85; 12-13 page 86 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
6 page 90; 11-12-13 page 92; 2-3-4-5 pages 94-95 (Italian Espresso 2 - Workbook)
Translation: Past Summer Exam Papers 1 and 2 due in class on Wednesday of Week 1, Term 3.
Please note: HW should be received IN PRINT - no electronic copies will be accepted - typed, double-spaced, 3-cm margins). Please retain a spare copy for in-class corrections
T. 3, WEEK 1
ORAL CLASS: revision of presentations
TRANSLATION CLASS: translation/comprehension of Summer Exam Paper 1 (in-class corrections) - please bring to class two copies of your homework (or at least one paper copy to submit to your tutor and one paper/digital copy that you can work on /check in class)
T. 3, WEEK 2
ORAL CLASS: revisione. Homework: (1.) read over all the questions on the study guide and make sure that you have understood them and (2.) continue working on your presentations, building on your abstracts and adding 100 words to what you have. These additional 100 words should be used to expand on your arguments and illustrate your points.
TRANSLATION CLASS: translation/comprehension, Summer Exam Paper 2 (in-class corrections)