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This provides you and your students with a web site that acts as a container for information about your module (or similar), with links to resources and online activities. In Moodle-speak this is called a 'course'. At Warwick, we often refer to it as a 'Moodle space'.

Moodle is good for conveying the structure and narrative of your module and releasing content and activities in a controlled way. Teams, in contrast, is not good for this. Teams is a collaboration platform. Moodle is more like an online textbook or module guide.

There are two types of Moodle course space, with very different lifecycles:

  1. Auto-generated module space for a specific run (in a specific year) of a module (as registered in SITS).
  2. Ad hoc space created for some other purpose, such as an optional skills course or a learning community - similar to auto-generated modules. Ad hoc spaces are created on request, and students added to them manually. They can be associated with a particular academic year and be included in the annual rollover process, or the same spaces can be kept in use and updated for as long as you need.
Moodle Super Users

Each academic department at Warwick has a Moodle Super User. The central Moodle support team communicates updates and alerts to the super user. Super users are responsible for managing their department's annual rollover process (see below). For information about the set up and use of Moodle in your department, contact your super user.

The lifecycle for an autogenerated module space
  1. Genesis and recycling
    In most departments, a Moodle space is automatically created for each module that will run in the next academic year. This starts towards the end of the previous academic year. Each year a new space is created and decisions can be made as to whether this is left blank or has the contents from the previous year copied into it. The process for this is called "rollover". Where content is copied, it includes all the resources, activities and settings but not the previous students or user data such as forum posts, questionnaire responses etc. An admin interface can be used to select rollover options and to manage the process for individual modules. There should be someone in your department who is responsible for this.

    New modules are sometimes created using a department template, for departments that have developed them.

    The module convenors are usually added with the Course Leader role, giving them the ability to edit and manage most aspects of the space.

  2. Defining
    What do you want to use Moodle for? The obvious answer is: tell the students about the goals and structure of the module. But that's easily achieved. And Moodle does a lot more than that. Unfortunately, not enough effort is put into using Moodle with purpose. We suggest that you use our support resources and services to reflect on how it fits into your pedagogic styles, strategies and goals.

  3. Blueprinting and building
    Moodle does not currently offer templates aligned to common pedagogic strategies. We hope to work on that to simplify its use and to make it more suitable for Arts Faculty teaching. Consider how you will use other tools alongside Moodle (such as Teams) to fill the gaps.

    There are some basic design choices that can be made at this stage, regarding the organisation of learning content and how it is released to students. You can also plan to have your students added to groups. Also, consider how students will be tracked as they read and complete activities (into the Moodle Gradebook). And then consider the types of activity you want to include. Moodle is not well-aligned with many of the pedagogic strategies at Warwick. There is less scope for students to create and collaborate on content. Changing teaching plans when responding to students' needs and ideas is not easy, so think about how to include options for that when blueprinting your module.

    At this stage you can also select if you want Microsoft Teams spaces to be generated, with your students automatically added. Doing so will trigger the Teams lifecycle. You can also choose to have Private Channels set up that synchronise with your Moodle Groups.

  4. Operation
    Closer to the start of your module, students are enrolled to the module space automatically, based on data in the module registration system. It is recommended that you check this to make sure it is correct. Add additional people as needed (for example, external examiners, teaching colleagues on related modules). Add the students to Moodle groups if you want to use group work features.

    You will also need to make the course visible to the students before they can access it.

    You can modify the Moodle space once the course is running, but avoid confusing the students. Perhaps build in space for change in your design.

  5. Archiving
    Once a module has finished, its Moodle space remains available to the students, with some interactive elements switched off. This allows them to use it for revision or to make connections with future learning.

  6. Recycling
    If the module will run again without substantial changes, the design and content of the Moodle course can be recycled through a process called Rollover. In most departments, a nominated person is responsible for arranging rollover. Note that Teams spaces linked to Moodle courses are not reproduced through rollover, so need to be requested each year.

Complete Moodle help guide.