Research at Warwick
This page lists permanent Warwick staff and Zeeman Lecturers, by roughly indicative research areas. Many staff are listed under more than one heading. (Some people have expanded on their expertise in a bracketed list following their name, but these lists only refer to the person immediately preceding the brackets.)
The department also hosts, or plays a significant part in, a number of research centres, which are listed at the bottom of the page.
Christian Boehning, Inna Capdeboscq, John Greenlees (derived commutative algebra and representation theory), Derek Holt, Nicholas Jackson (category theory, homological algebra), Miles Reid (commutative algebra, Gorenstein rings, representation theory, McKay correspondence), Dmitriy Rumynin (representation theory, Lie algebras, Kac-Moody groups), Marco Schlichting (projective modules, quadratic forms, homology of groups), Goncalo Tabuada (homological algebra), Adam Thomas (algebraic groups, Lie algebras, finite groups of Lie type, representation theory), Gareth Tracey (finite group theory, representation theory, asymptotic group theory), Karen Vogtmann (cohomology of groups)
Christian Boehning, Gavin Brown (birational geometry; computational algebra), Chunyi Li (derived categories, moduli spaces), Diane Maclagan, David Mond (singularity theory, free divisors), Rohini Ramadas (combinatorial algebraic geometry, tropical geometry, moduli spaces), Miles Reid (classification of varieties; surfaces and 3-folds; orbifold geometry; graded rings; singularity theory; scheme theory), Dmitriy Rumynin (D-modules, homogeneous spaces, derived categories), Marco Schlichting (algebraic K-theory, derived categories, motives), Rob Silversmith (moduli of curves, tropical geometry, enumerative geometry), Goncalo Tabuada (non-commutative algebraic geometry and motives), Damiano Testa (curves, surfaces), Weiyi Zhang (almost complex geometry and symplectic topology)
Keith Ball, David Bate (geometric measure theory), David Elworthy (geometric stochastic analysis), András Máthé (geometric measure theory, fractal geometry, discrete analysis), Mark Pollicott (fractal geometry), Filip Rindler (geometric measure theory), José Rodrigo (singular integral operators, commutator estimates), James Robinson (dimension & embedding theory), Felix Schulze (geometric analysis), Vedran Sohinger (nonlinear dispersive PDEs), Maxwell Stolarski (geometric analysis), Peter Topping (geometric analysis)
Keith Ball, Sam Chow (arithmetic combinatorics), Agelos Georgakopoulos (infinite & finite graph theory), Adam Harper (additive combinatorics), Christian Ikenmeyer, Vadim Lozin (Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics), Richard Montgomery, Joel Moreira (arithmetic combinatorics), Oleg Pikhurko (extremal & probabilistic combinatorics; limits of discrete structures), Rob Silversmith (Graph theory, polyhedral geometry)
see also the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP)
Dwight Barkley, Ferran Brosa Planella (scientific computing, heat and mass transfer), Radu Cimpeanu (fluid mechanics - interfacial phenomena, acoustics, scientific computing), Andreas Dedner (scientific computing, software framework design), Tobias Grafke (fluids, atmosphere and ocean dynamics), Tom Hudson (atomistic simulation), Matt Keeling (large-scale simulations), Robert Kerr (fluid dynamics), Markus Kirkilionis (data analysis, machine learning, dynamical systems, bifurctaion theory), Martin Lotz (geometry and complexity), James Sprittles (free surface flows, finite elements), Tim Sullivan (uncertainty quantification, inverse problems)
Brian Bowditch (hyperbolic, riemannian and metric geometry), David Elworthy (global analysis), Mario Micallef (two-dimensional minimal surfaces), Felix Schulze (geometric flows), Maxwell Stolarski (geometric flows), Peter Topping, Weiyi Zhang (almost complex geometry and symplectic topology)
Claude Baesens, Adam Epstein (complex dynamics in 1D, Tecihmuller theory), Vassili Gelfreich (Hamiltonian systems), Oleg Kozlovski, Robert MacKay, Anthony Manning (hyperbolic systems), Ian Melbourne (smooth ergodic theory; links with probability & stochastic analysis), Joel Moreira (ergodic Ramsey theory), Mark Pollicott (thermodynamic formalism), Rohini Ramadas (complex algebraic dynamics, rational maps), James Robinson (infinite-dimensional dynamical systems), Caroline Series, Richard Sharp (hyperbolic systems, geodesic flows, thermodynamic formalism), John Smillie (Teichmuller dynamics, complex dynamics in >1D), David Wood
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems seminar
Brian Bowditch (low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory), Emanuele Dotto (stable (equivariant) homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory), Agelos Georgakopoulos (Cayley graphs/complexes), John Greenlees (equivariant cohomology, stable homotopy theory, spectral algebra and geometry), Nicholas Jackson (knot theory), Saul Schleimer (low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory), Marco Schlichting (algebraic topology, homotopy theory), Caroline Series (hyperbolic geometry), Richard Sharp (negatively curved spaces, hyperbolic groups, critical exponents), Goncalo Tabuada (K-theory), Karen Vogtmann (geometric group theory), Weiyi Zhang (almost complex geometry and symplectic topology)
Nigel Burroughs, Louise Dyson (cell migration, cancer, epidemiology), Matt Keeling (epidemiology, ecology, evolutionary predictions), Markus Kirkillionis (ecosystems, cell biology, evolution, population dynamics), David Rand (circadian clock, cancer, developmental biology and stem cells), Magnus Richardson, Kat Rock (epidemiology, vector-borne infection, tropical disease elimination), Mike Tildesley (epidemiology, zoonotic disease, disease control)
see also Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology & Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER)
Thomasina Ball (fluid dynamics, non-Newtonian flows), Dwight Barkley, Ed Brambley (acoustics; solid mechanics), Ferran Brosa Planella (industrial applications, heat and mass transfer, continuum mecahnics, moving boundary problems), Radu Cimpeanu (multi-scale systems, industrial applications), Bertram During (kinetic and mean-field models, applications in socio-economics and finance), Louise Dyson (model simplification), Susana Gomes, Tom Hudson (materials science, coarse-graining, stochastic modelling), Matt Keeling (stochastic processes on networks), Markus Kirkilionis (biology, social sciences, economy, finance), Robert MacKay, Magnus Richardson, Kat Rock (ODE, PDE, stochastic, Bayesian fitting), James Sprittles (fluid dyanmics, microflows, interfacial phenomena, industrial applications), Bjorn Stinner (phase field approaches), Florian Theil (materials science, coarse-graining, stochastic modelling), Marie-Therese Wolfram, Dave Wood
Siri Chongchitnan (cosmology), Tobias Grafke (interacting particle systems, lattice gas models), Vedran Sohinger (many-body quantum problems), Roger Tribe (random matrix theory), Daniel Ueltschi, Oleg Zaboronski (non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, random matrix theory)
Mathematical Physics and Probability reading seminar
Sam Chow (Diophantine equations and Diophantine approximation), John Cremona (elliptic curves, modular forms, computational number theory), Adam Harper (analytic number theory),David Loeffler (automorphic forms, Iwasawa theory), Simon Myerson (Diophantine equations and harmonic analysis), Samir Siksek (Diophantine equations, modularity, rational points), Damiano Testa (rational points)
Andreas Dedner (finite element methods, evolution equations), Bertram During (structure-preserving varitaional discretisations, high-order compact finite difference methods), Charles Elliott (finite elements, discretisation, inverse problems), Martin Lotz (numerical optimisation, randomised algorithms), Bjorn Stinner (finite element methods), Tim Sullivan (uncertainty quantification, inverse problems), Marie-Therese Wolfram
Ferran Brosa Planella (reduced-order modelling, asymptotic analysis), Radu Cimpeanu (reduced-order modelling, asymptotic analysis), Bertram During (nonlinear, variational, optimal control), Tom Hudson (calculus of variations, gradient flows, asymptotic methods), Charles Elliott (interfaces & free boundaries; geometric equations; applications incl. biology), Josephine Evans (kinetic theory), Susana Gomes (control theory for PDEs; inverse problems), Xinyu He (Euler equations), Robert Kerr (mathematical fluids – numerical simulations), Filip Rindler (nonlinear and variational), José Rodrigo (fluid mechanics, reaction-diffusion equations, bosons), James Robinson (mathematical fluids – Navier-Stokes equations & MHD), Felix Schulze (geometric PDEs), Vedran Sohinger (nonlinear dispersive PDEs), Maxwell Stolarski (geometric PDEs), Florian Theil (nonlinear and variational), Peter Topping (geometric PDEs), Marie-Therese Wolfram
David Elworthy (stochastic analysis), Agelos Georgakopoulos (percolation theory, geometric random graphs, random walks), Tobias Grafke (large deviations, rare events), Adam Harper (Gaussian processes and chaos, normal approximation, applications to number theory), Ian Melbourne (connections between ergodic theory & stochastic analysis), Magnus Richardson, Vedran Sohinger (Gibbs measures for nonlinear dispersive PDEs), Tim Sullivan (uncertainty quantification, inverse problems), Roger Tribe (stochastic analysis, interacting particle systems, integrable probability, random matrices), Daniel Ueltschi, Oleg Zaboronski (interacting particle systems, integrable probability, random matrices), Nikolaos Zygouras
Centre for Complexity Science (including the MathSys CDT)
Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heteregeneous Systems (HetSys CDT)
Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics (our PhD programme in Mathematics)
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP)
Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology & Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER)