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Step 4: Reports

As soon as a questionnaire have received responses, staff with relevant access rights can preview anonymised results in Moodle, see Step 3: Preview responses.

For an Essay question list of all responses will be shown:

For a Rate scale question Moodle shows the total number of responses, count and percentage of answers for each option, average and mode:

After the SMF questionnaire has been closed for students, the data is uploaded to a reporting database and module leaders and authorised departmental staff can request feedback reports on

  • individual modules
  • individual tutors
  • aggregated data over a single year per module or per department
  • data on a particular module over multiple years (if available)

Here you can see Example of Student Module Feedback report for a module and Example of summary report over all modules.

For support with creating a report for your SMF, please email smf at warwick dot ac dot uk


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