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Remove content from a page

Content (artefacts) can easily be removed from a page using the  delete icon.

If this icon is not present, the page has blocks locked in the advanced settings.

  1. Open pages and collections from the main menu and open the page or collection by clicking on the title.
  2. Turn on editing
  3. Click on the trash icon at the top of the blick to remove the item. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the block.
  4. Click 'OK' to confirm and the block will be removed.
Only text artefacts are deleted permanently. Other artefacts are not removed from Mahara when a block is deleted and remain in the relevant section of the Create menu and can be readded.

The information on this page relates to Mahara 20.04 and was last updated August 2020.


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