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WCPM hosts regular seminars where we invite speakers working both in fundamental methodology and on applications of predictive modelling and UQ.

These seminars have been running since October 2016 and take place on Mondays at 1pm, with a focus on all aspects of research involving significant computation. Each seminar is accessible through Teams, and the majority of seminars are held in person in D2.02 or A205B. Please see details of each seminar to confirm the format.

If you would like to be kept informed of upcoming seminars, please do sign up here or send an email to wcpm-seminar-join at listserv dot csv dot warwick dot ac dot uk.

Details of past presentations are below.

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Mon 21 Oct, '24
WCPM: Emma Horton, Warwick

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Speaker: Emma Horton, Warwick
Title: Monte Carlo methods for branching particle systems
Abstract: Branching processes are pertinent models for a wide range of applications such as neutron transport, cell division, population genetics and mass spectrometry. We are often interested in the long-term average behaviour of such systems, which, from a mathematical perspective, can be characterised by a triple consisting of a real value, describing the growth rate of the system, a function describing the “importance” of positions in the spatial domain, and a probability measure, describing the long-term (spatial) occupation of particles in the system. However, explicit formulae for these quantities are rarely available and so other methods are necessary in order to obtain reasonable estimates. In this talk, we will discuss different Monte Carlo methods that will enable us to simulate branching particle systems to efficiently estimate these quantities.
Bio: Emma joined Warwick in September 2023 as Assistant Professor of Probability in the Department of Statistics. Prior to this, she held the position of chargée de recherche for 2.5 years with the Inria project team ASTRAL in Bordeaux, during which time she also spent several months on secondment to the University of Melbourne. Her research interests include branching processes, sequential Monte Carlo methods, and their applications to neutron transport.
Mon 28 Oct, '24
WCPM: James Edwards, Plymouth

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title:  Computational QFT

Abstract:  To follow

Bio:  To follow

Mon 4 Nov, '24
WCPM: Indrajit Maity, MPI Hamburg

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title: Atomistic modelling of moiré materials: from excitons to phasons

Abstract: If one places a regularly ruled transparent plastic sheet on top of another identical sheet and rotates the top one while holding the bottom fixed, a beautiful moiré pattern emerges. Since 2018, researchers have created similar moiré patterns using atomically thin 2D materials like graphene or transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) by precisely controlling the rotation or twist angles between layers. These moiré materials exhibit fascinating electronic and optical properties, such as superconductivity, correlated states, and trapped excitons (electrically bound pairs of holes and electrons), all tunable with the twist angle. This has generated tremendous excitement in the physics, materials science, and chemistry communities, and moiré materials are now regarded as condensed matter quantum simulators.

First principles atomistic approaches to modelling moiré materials remain a major computational challenge due to the large unit cells of the moiré superlattices. Despite significant progress in experiments, atomistic studies are few and far between. In this talk, I will describe our efforts to enable detailed atomistic calculations for phonons, low-energy electrons, and excitons. Specifically, I will discuss the emergence of new sound-wave-like modes called phasons, their impact on localized electrons, and the emergence of trapped Wannier and charge-transfer excitons.

Bio: Indrajit is a post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Ángel Rubio's group at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg. Previously, he was a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions Individual Fellow at Imperial College London, where he worked with Prof. Johannes Lischner and Prof. Arash Mostofi. He completed his PhD in physics at the Indian Institute of Science under the supervision of Prof. Manish Jain. He also worked as an applied physicist in the emerging technology division of Atlas Copco Group. He specializes in developing and applying ab initio methods to predict and manipulate quantum phenomena in complex materials, aiming to help experimentalists find the goldilocks materials for technological relevance.

Mon 11 Nov, '24
WCPM: Michael Herbst

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title: Robust error-controlled materials simulations

Abstract: Systematic first-principle simulations are nowadays a key component when developing novel materials. Usually the resulting simulation data is not directly used to drive the search, but instead employed to train a considerable cheaper statistical surrogate. In this setting of potentially millions of simulations as well as these multiple layers of approximations (physical, numerical, statistical) obtaining robust computational workflows and tracking simulation errors remains challenging.

In this talk I will report on progress along two axes of research to tackle these challenges. The first concerns the development of robust numerical algorithms for density-functional theory (DFT) --- the most widely employed family of first-principle models in the field. The focus of the development here is to obtain black-box methods that are able to automatically adapt to the physics of the simulated system.

Secondly, I will discuss first results on employing multi-task statistical surrogate models, a surrogatisation technique, which enables the use of data of heterogeneous quality when training a single surrogate. By combining materials simulation approaches of different cost/accuracy balances this not only unlocks computational savings to generate training data, but also allows to opportunistically exploit heterogeneous databases of already existing simulation data.

In both efforts software has played a key role to provide an accessible platform fostering such interdisciplinary developments. In our work we develop and extend the density-functional toolkit (DFTK), a Julia-based DFT code, suitable to mathematical research (only 7500 lines of code), but at the same time integrated into standard tools for materials discovery.

Mon 18 Nov, '24
Mike Chappell, Warwick

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title:  To follow

Abstract:  To follow

Bio:  To follow

Mon 25 Nov, '24
WCPM: Erik Bitzek, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title:  Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation – Precipitate Interactions in Ni-based Superalloys

Abstract:  To follow

Bio:  To follow

Mon 2 Dec, '24
WCPM: Lucy Whalley, Northumbria

Time: 13.00-14.00

Seminar location: A2.05B
There will be an informal sandwich lunch outside D2.02 at 12.30.

To join this meeting online click here.Link opens in a new window

Title: Predicting the phase stability of BaZrS3 using a range of approaches: from harmonic lattice dynamics to the neuroevolution-potential framework


Past Seminars (2024/25)


Speaker Presentation
14 Oct Placeholder Marina R Filip, Oxford

Exciton (De)Localization and Dissociation in Heterogeneous Semiconductors from First Principles Computational Modeling


7 Oct alice thorneywork Alice Thorneywork, Oxford

Uncovering molecular transport mechanisms by counting with colloids


30 Sept placeholder

Gareth Roberts, Warwick

What does non-reversibility really buy you in MCMC, with application to parallel tempering.


Past Seminars (2023/24)


Speaker Presentation
10 June df

Beñat Gurrutxaga-Lerma, Birmingham

Dynamic defect generation in metals


03 June

Chris Patrick, Oxford

Rare earth magnets - bridging the gap between electronic and atomistic models


20 May Erin Johnson, Dalhousie University (Canada)

Erin Johnson, Dalhousie University (Canada)

London Dispersion in Density-Functional Theory and Application to Molecular Crystal Structure Prediction


13 May Venkat Kapil, UCL

Venkat Kapil, UCL

Machine learning for first-principles simulations of electrons and nuclei


29 April Milica Todorovic, University of Turku (Finland)

Milica Todorovic, University of Turku (Finland)

Active learning for data-efficient optimisation of materials and processes


22 April placeholder

Industry Speaker: Dr Leonie Koch, Schrodinger

Materials Science Suite for Polymer and Battery Applications


11 March Shanmugan Shanmugam Kumar, Glasgow

Innovations in Multifunctional Materials and Composites through Additive Manufacturing and Nanoengineering


4th March placeholder Professor Apala Majumdar, Strathclyde

Solution Landscapes in the Landau-de Gennes theory for Nematic Liquid Crystals: Analysis, Computations and Applications


26th Feb placeholder Sarah Ferguson Briggs, Imperial

Exploring the linear stability of core-annular flow with ferrofluids: the role of magnetic fields and an axial rod


19th Feb JI Jisun Im, Warwick

Nanomaterials for advanced printed electronics


12th Feb andreas

Andreas Kyprianou, Warwick

Mathematics of Radiation Transport Modelling


5th Feb bspillane

Brendan Spillane, Warwick

Intellectual Property and Software


29th Jan ek

Emmanouil Kakouris, Warwick

Material Point Method for solving fracture and contact mechanics problems


22nd Jan sdf

Ben Hourahine, Strathclyde

Large scale approximate quantum models for materials, molecules and interfaces


15th Jan garthwells

Garth Wells, Cambridge

Solving differential equations at the exascale


8th Jan fd

Katarzyna Macieszczak, UoW

Quantum Jump Monte Carlo: principles, challenges, and perspectives


27th Nov adfs

Arpan Mukhopadhyay, UoW

Consensus Dynamics on Networks of Biased Agents


20th November Kim Jelfs

Kim Jelfs, Imperial College London

Computational discovery of molecular materials


13th Nov mf

Michael Faulkner, University of Warwick

Fast sampling at phase transitions in statistical physics


6th Nov rgc

Ricardo Grau-Crespo, University of Reading

Designing materials for thermoelectric applications: density functional theory and machine learning


30th Oct cp

Clarice Poon, University of Bath

Sparsistency for inverse optimal transport


23rd Oct EL

Ellen Luckins, University of Warwick

Multiscale free-boundary problems in reactive decontamination and filtration


16th Oct em

Edit Mátyus, ELTE Institute of Chemistry

Relativistic QED developments for atomic and molecular bound state computations


9th Oct till

Till Bretschneider, University of Warwick

Image-based modelling of cell membrane dynamics in cell migration and cell drinking


2nd Oct lukas h

Lukas Hörmann (University of Warwick)

The impact of the atomic structure of an interface on its electronic and mechanical properties


Past Seminars (2022/23)


Speaker Presentation
19th June rocco

Rocco Martinazzo (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Quantum dynamics with a multitude of electronic states: from electronic friction to quantum hydrodynamics of coupled e-n systems


12th June zsuzsanna

Zsuzsanna Koczor-Benda (University of Warwick)

Computational molecular design for terahertz detection and surface-enhanced applications

AbstractLink opens in a new window

5th June Profile picture of Dr Ferran Brosa Planella

Ferran Brosa Planella (University of Warwick)

Asymptotic methods for lithium-ion battery models

AbstractLink opens in a new window

22nd May 1 grey head

Randa Herzallah (University of Warwick)

Fully Probabilistic Control for Quantum Systems


15th May

Mohsen Mirkhalaf (University of Gothenburg)

Deep-learning-enhanced multi-scale modelling of composites


24th April

Long Tran-Tranh (University of Warwick)

Sequential Decision Making Under Resource Constraints and Potential Applications to Materials Sciences


13th March

Edina Rosta (UCL)

Enhanced Sampling Simulations of Biomolecular Systems


6th March

Yi Yu (University of Warwick)

Detecting and localising changes in different environments


27th Feb

Matt Ismail (University of Warwick)

SCRTP facilities update


13th Feb

Davide De Focatiis (University of Nottingham)

A constitutive model for high strain rate properties of amorphous polymers


6th Feb 2023

Marjolein Dijkstra

Machine learning and Inverse design of soft materials


30th Jan 2023

Hannes Holey (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Towards multiscale modelling of boundary lubrication


23rd Jan 2023

Nils Hertl (University of Warwick)

Investigating the dynamics of H atom scattering from surfaces with molecular dynamics simulations


16th Jan 2023

Tilmann Hickel (Federal Institute for Materials and Research Testing, Berlin)

Design of finite temperature materials properties enabled by innovative digital concepts


9 Jan 2023

Volker Deringer (University of Oxford)

Atomic-scale machine learning for inorganic materials chemistry


28 Nov 2022

Doireann O'Kiely (University of Limerick)

Moving out of plane: wrinkling and buckling


21 Nov 2022

Animesh Datta (Warwick University)

Quantum simulation: An Overview


14 Nov 2022

Miguel Caro (Aalto University)

Machine-learning-driven simulation of real carbon materials


7 Nov 2022

Ganna Gryn’ova (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies)

Computational Chemistry and Machine Learning of Functional Organic Materials


31 Oct 2022

Mark Greenaway (Loughborough)

Resonant tunnelling in graphene-boron nitride transistors


24 Oct 2022

Pavlo O Dral (Xiamen University Malaysia)

Accelerating and Improving Computational Chemistry with Artificial Intelligence /
Machine Learning


17 Oct 2022

Federico Bosi (UCL)

The quest for ultralightweight materials: from membranes to architected lattices


10 Oct 2022

Rose K Ceronsky (École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

Extracting Design Principles from Physics-Adapted Machine Learning Problems


3 Oct 2022

Tess E Smidt (MIT)

Euclidean Symmetry Equivariant Machine Learning for Atomic Systems -
Overview, Applications, and open questions


Past Seminars (2021/22)


Speaker Presentation
6 June 2022

Marie Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick)

Pedestrian Dynamics

30 May 2022

Gus Hart (Brigham Young University)

Building Useful Machine-Learned Interatomic Potentials

23 May 2022

Joseph Prentice (University of Oxford)

Efficient computation of optical properties of large-scale heterogeneous systems

16 May 2022

Matthias Sachs (University of Birmingham)

HAL: Hyperactive Bayesian Learning for Molecular Force Fields


9 May 2022

Chiara Gattinoni (London South Bank University)

Electrostatic effects in nanoscale ferroelectrics


14 March 2022

Olga Bagerra

Oxford Brookes University

Recent developments on discovering structure-function relations of soft tissues. Case study: the knee meniscus


28 February 2022

Sarbani Patra

University of Warwick

The dynamics of photodissociation and isomerization reactions – Classical and quantum aspects


21 February 2022

Emilio Martinez-Paneda

Imperial College London

Predictive modelling of multi-physics material degradation challenges: batteries, corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement


14 February 2022

Julia Brettschneider

University of Warwick

Exploratory data analysis and non-parametric methods for point pattern analysis for fluorescent microscopic images and digital X-ray detectors


07 February 2022

Thomas Swinburne

Marseille Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (CINaM)

Geometric use of linear models in high accuracy or high throughput simulations of defects


31 January 2022

Giovanni Porta

Politecnico di Milano

Upscaling of solute transport and surface reactions in porous media


24 January 2022

Celia Reina

University of Pennsylvania

Predicting Non-equilibrium Phenomena: A Journey Through Space and Time Scales


17 January 2022

Laurent Béland

Queen’s University, Ontario

Simulating nuclear materials across multiple time and length scales


10 January 2022

wang, j

Jerry Wang

Carnegie Mellon University

Let's Get Moving: Modeling and Simulation of Active Matter from the Pico-Scale to the Pedestrian-Scale


06 December 2021

Juliana Morbec

University of Keele

Exploring surfaces and interfaces with first-principles quantum mechanical simulations


29 November 2021

Brendan Spillane

University of Warwick

Software, IP and Warwick Innovations


23 November 2021

Rebecca Nichols

University of Oxford

Enabling functional materials with microscopy and modelling


22 November 2021

Michele Ceriotti

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Keynote seminar: Atomistic simulations in the age of machine learning


15 November 2021

Jinnouchi, R

Ryosuke Jinnouchi

Toyota Central R&D Labs

On-the-fly machine-learned inter-atomic potentials: method and applications


08 November 2021

Schroder, J

Jörg Schröder

Universität Duisburg-Essen

Characterization of magneto-electric composites: An algorithmic scale-bridging scheme


01 November 2021


Sam Magorrian

University of Warwick

Moiré superlattice effects in twisted bilayers of 2D semiconductors


25 October 2021


Fernanda Duarte

University of Oxford

Exploring reactions mechanisms through automation and machine learning


18 October 2021


Petra Ágota Szilágyi

Queen Mary University London

Sustainably synthesised metal-organic frameworks for sustainability applications


11 October 2021


Joshua Schrier

Fordham University

Scientific opportunities of automating materials synthesis: a case study of hybrid organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites


04 October 2021


Mario Barbatti

Aix Marseilles University

Nonadiabatic dynamics in the long timescale: the next challenge in computational photochemistry



Past Seminars (2020/21)

For previous speakers please click here.

Past Seminars (2019/20)

Past Seminars (2018/19)

Past Seminars (2017/18)


Past Seminars (WCPM & CSC, 2016/17)

Past Seminars 2015/2016

Past Seminars 2014/2015

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