Academic year rollover
The academic year rollover tool allows a nominated individual to enter rollover decisions for each module in a department.
Accessibility in Moodle
Guidance on how to create accessible content in Moodle with links to further resources.
Add a scheduler
Scheduler enables teachers to set up slots for students to make appointments.
Add a Talis reading list
Talis reading lists are created in conjunction with the library and added to Moodle spaces via URL, block or the reading list resource.
Add a text block
A text block is a blank block used to add text, multimedia, widgets etc to a site front page or course page.
Add audio and video to Moodle
Add audio and video files into Moodle via a hosting platform or add or record to Moodle directly.
Add content blocks
How to add, move, delete and hide 'Blocks' on the dashboard and Moodle course page.
Allocate markers to specific submissions
Allocate specific markers / specialists to grade specific submissions to an assignment.
Assessment and Feedback
Introduction to assessment in Moodle - for formative and summative assessment, assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Blackboard Ally for Instructors
Blackboard Ally is a tool that helps you assess the accessibility of your Moodle content. It provides tips on how to improve the accessibility of your materials and allows students to download them in alternative formats.
Blind marking
The guide describes how blind marking can be enabled and how students' identity can be revealed again on the assignment grading page.
Communicating and Collaborating
Introduction to commonly used tools in Moodle for communication and collaboration.
Completion tracking
An overview of activity completion and course completion tracking.
Components for Learning
The components for learning feature provides pre-set templates for adding text to your Moodle space to make it look more visually appealing.
Course recompletion
Reset course and activity completion data after a specified period and remind students to recomplete.
Create a custom certificate
The custom certificate module allows the generation of dynamic PDF certificates to reward your learners. The custom certificate activity allows course editors to design their own certificate and setup pre-requisites for students to receive the certificate.
Create an assignment for group submission
Set up an assignment to allow groups of students to work collaboratively on a single assignment.
Create and manage badges
Badges are a way of celebrating achievement, showing progress and encouraging student participation and engagement.
Edit a Moodle space
How to add content, activities, resources and blocks to your Moodle space.
Edit content boxes using the editing toolbar
You will see the text editor when editing section headings, the description of an activity, writing an answer to a quiz question or editing the content of many blocks.
Edit your profile
The profile page contains links to further pages allowing the user to edit their profile information and preferences, view their forum/blog posts, and check any reports they have access to.
Enrolment methods and managing access permissions
Understand and setup different enrolment methods to add participants to a Moodle space.
Grant extensions for assessments in Moodle
The Grant extension feature in the Assignment activity and the user override option in Quizzes allows tutors to grant an extension to individual students.
Hide or show grades and feedback
It may be important to keep the grading and feedback process hidden until it is complete for all students, or you may want to keep all grades and feedback hidden until a certain point that they have been verified etc.
Import and populate groups
Upload students into Moodle groups.
Import (copy) content from one Moodle space to another
Copy content from one Moodle space to another
Introduction to adding content
Introduction to the activities and resources that can be added to create a well organised and rich learning environment for students.
Introduction to managing course participants
Introduction to managing course participants and understanding how they are enrolled onto Moodle spaces.
Introduction to Moodle
Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE); a web platform designed specifically to support the delivery of teaching and learning materials and activities.
Moodle accessibility quick tips
A checklist of accessibility ‘dos’ and ‘donts’ for Moodle
Moodle activity types
An overview of activities in Moodle
Moodle resource types
A summary of the Moodle resource types.
Moodle - Teams Synchronisation
Moodle - Teams Synchronisation
Navigate the Moodle dashboard
The Moodle Dashboard is a customisable homepage containing links to your Moodle courses, a central information area with a course overview, and a right hand column where 'blocks' can be added.
Overview of the gradebook
Overview for the course gradebook, or 'Grader report', accessed from the Grades link in the nav drawer. All the grades for each student in a course can be found in this location.
The PeerWork activity allows students to rate the peers' performance during group projects or assignments.
Reports & logs
This guide provides an overview of the types of course reports and logs available in Moodle and links to advice on accessing and using it.
Restore deleted content
Restore deleted content from your Moodle space using the recycle bin.
Restrict access to sections and activities
Restrict the availability of any activity, resource or course section according to conditions such as date, grade obtained, group or other activity completion.
Roles and their functions in Moodle
Roles are the collection of permissions that are assigned to specific users in specific contexts. The combination of roles and context define a specific user's ability to do something on any Moodle space.
Set reminders for activities and events
Reminders allow you to send automated emails to let students know when activities are due for completion or to remind them of other calendar events.
Share Stream videos in Moodle
This guide describes how to share Microsoft Stream videos in Moodle by link or embed code.
STACK and CodeRunner on MoodleX
A guide describing how to request and use a course space on MoodleX to use STACK and CodeRunner with the Quiz activity.
Structure your course
Introduction to how to structure and format your course; how to add blocks and information on blocks that appear by default (Echo360, TalisAspire), how to add activities, resources, and how to change course details.
Use groups and groupings
Use groups to organise students into collaborative groups to work together on an activity, or to restrict access to resources or activities
Use H5P to create (interactive) content
H5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications enabling the creation of rich and interactive we / learning experiences.
Use Turnitin for an assignment
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service which can be used in a number of ways either to assist educators in identifying similarities to existing sources or to help students learning how to avoid plagiarism and improve their written work.
Using Tags in Moodle
Tags allow students and teachers to connect different types of content in a Moodle space.
Visitor access to Moodle
Create accounts for people who are not in SITS or HR systems so that they can access Moodle resources
Visual guide to icons in Moodle
A page showing the icons for activities, resources and other content and giving an overview of the edit menus.