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Add content blocks

This guide explains what blocks are and how to manage them in a Moodle space.

Blocks are a type of static content, similar to resources. They are used to provide an overview of the course itself or to link to external tools such as lecture capture (Echo 360) and reading lists (Talis Aspire). They can be added to the dashboard and to the right-hand side column of Moodle spaces..

You will commonly encounter the following blocks:

Dashboard blocks

  • Modules and other courses
  • Starred courses
  • Timeline

You can find more information about dashboard blocks on the guide Navigate your dashboard.

Moodle module space blocks

Add a block to a Moodle space

  1. Enable Edit mode .
  2. Click the < Open block drawer button if it is not already open.
  3. Click Add a block at the top of the block drawer.
  4. Choose the required block from the list.
  5. The block will appear in the block drawer on the right-hand side of your Moodle space.

    Move or delete a block

    1. Enable Edit mode .
    2. To move an item: Hover the mouse pointer over the  Move icon and an alt text popup appears with the text 'Move item name'. Press and hold the mouse button, as you drag and drop the item into its new location.
    3. To delete an item: Click on the Actions menu next to an item (block, resource or activity) and select 'Delete item name' from the action menu. A prompt will ask you to confirm that the item will be deleted.
    Blocks are very difficult to recover. If you are not certain that you wish to delete a block permanently, use the 'Hide block name' option in the block settings menu (see below).

    Hide / Show a Block

    You can hide a block from the student view (it will still be visible to editors) without deleting it.

    1. Enable Edit mode .
    2. To hide an item: Click the block's Actions menu and click on Hide [block type] block.
    3. To show an item: Click the block's Actions menu and click on Show [block type] block.

    More information on blocks is available at Moodle Docs.

    The information on this page relates to Moodle v4.1 and was last updated October 2023.


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